Bobby Brown Demands Justice After Son’s Accidental Overdose

Bobby Brown has demanded justice for the accidental overdose death of his son Bobby Brown Jr.

Brown Jr. died on November 18 from the combined effects of cocaine, alcohol and the opioid fentanyl, according to an autopsy report by the Los Angeles County coroner.

The 15-page report said that 28-year-old Brown Jr. drank tequila, snorted three lines cocaine and “shared” a Percocet with a friend during an overnight social gathering. His girlfriend found him unconscious on the bedroom floor of his Los Angeles home hours later.

“This epidemic is out of control and those supplying this lethal drug should be held responsible for the death and destruction that it causes,” Brown Jr.’s parents said in a statement.

“Bobby was not into drugs. Bobby was often easily influenced. This is a situation where he associated himself with the wrong people. My son is gone and those who contributed to his senseless death should be held accountable,” Brown Jr.’s mother Kim Ward said.

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