Chrissy Teigen Speaks Out After Food Writer Alison Roman Slams Her Cravings Empire On Twitter

Chrissy Teigen is probably used to internet trolls coming for her left and right, but we imagine it must sting a bit harder when one of her peers in the culinary world decided to harshly shade her out of nowhere!

In case you missed it, New York Times food columnist and cookbook author Alison Roman took a shot at the Bring the Funny host on Friday on Twitter, calling Teigen’s successful food ventures including her Cravings recipe book, “so crazy to me.”

In an interview for The New Consumer, Roman shared her unfiltered opinion on Chrissy’s accomplishments:

“What Chrissy Teigen has done is so crazy to me. She had a successful cookbook. And then it was like: Boom, line at Target. Boom, now she has an Instagram page that has over a million followers where it’s just, like, people running a content farm for her. That horrifies me and it’s not something that I ever want to do. I don’t aspire to that.”

Uhh, okay. We’re struggling to think of someone who doesn’t aspire to that level of success besides her, apparently.  While she’s not a fan of Teigen’s alleged business model, Roman went on to call it lucrative:

“But like, who’s laughing now? Because she’s making a ton of f***ing money.”

After those comments quickly went viral online, John Legend‘s wife couldn’t help but respond! The 34-year-old said Roman’s comments hit her “hard” because of how much she’s supported her prior to this point:

“this is a huge bummer and hit me hard. I have made her recipes for years now, bought the cookbooks, supported her on social and praised her in interviews. I even signed on to executive produce the very show she talks about doing in this article.”

She continued explaining the origin story behind her best-selling cookbook:

“I started cravings because I wanted something for myself. I wanted something John didn’t buy, I wanted something to do that calmed me, made me happy and made others happy, too. Cravings isn’t a “machine” or “farmed content” – it’s me and 2 other women.”

The mother of two continued by saying that she didn’t “sell out” by making her dreams come true, and that having a cookware line, being a part of the entire process and “watching a company grow makes me happy.”

“I genuinely loved everything about Alison. Was jealous she got to have a book with food on the cover instead of a face!! I’ve made countless NYT recipes she’s created, posting along the way. I don’t think I’ve ever been so bummed out by the words of a fellow food-lover. I just had no idea I was perceived that way, by her especially.”

(FYI, she’s referring to Japanese organizing expert Marie Kondo, who Alison also took a dig at in the original article.)

As we mentioned, even the queen of dishing out clap backs was deeply saddened by the comments, telling her followers how “it has been crappy to deal with this all day but I couldn’t not say something.”

We’re inclined to agree with her… this all feels so icky! Not to mention, it’s pretty tacky to tear another woman down like that just because you don’t agree with her. It’s totally possible to forge your own path without the negativity.

Alison Doubles Down!

In light of the criticism she faced online for her words, Alison jumped on the social media platform to deliver yet another snarky message:

“When women bully other women for being honest about money and how much they do or do not make, well, thats amore. Just wishing I had someone to hold my hand during baby’s first internet backlash.”

Wow! The Nothing Fancy author denied she was doing anything wrong and added:

“I want to clarify, I am not coming for anyone who’s successful, especially not women. I was trying to clarify that my business model does not include a product line, which work very well for some, but I don’t see working for me.”

Alison’s Apology!

It appears that indignant attitude didn’t last very long because Alison returned to Twitter hours later to apologize! She began:

“Hi @chrissyteigen! I sent an email but also wanted to say here that I’m genuinely sorry I caused you pain with what I said. I shouldn’t have used you /your business (or Marie’s!) as an example to show what I wanted for my own career- it was flippant, careless and I’m so sorry”

The NYT writer admitted she went too far with her initial comments and asked for a second chance::

“Being a woman who takes down other women is absolutely not my thing and don’t think it’s yours, either (I obviously failed to effectively communicate that). I hope we can meet one day, I think we’d probably get along.”


We’re ALL for people owning up to their s**t, but it kind of feels like she’s only sorry because people viciously called her out for being such a mean girl! At least, that seems to be the consensus in the replies to her post. At the time of writing, Teigen has not yet responded to it.

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