Gal Gadot's Celebrity Coronavirus Singalong Does a Whole Lot of Nothing

The current coronavirus outbreak has affected all aspects of our daily lives, and taking the necessary social distancing methods to flatten the curve has meant that people have been mostly stuck at home. Some celebrities have responded to the crisis by donating money to those affected by layoffs and school shutdowns, while others have taken to Instagram Live to play concerts for their fans. Late night host Conan O’Brien is even going to film his entire show from home, with guests calling in from Skype.

But even in the midst of all of these thoughtful acts, a number of actors, comedians, and models decided that their talents would be best put to use by singing “Imagine” by John Lennon online. No, I am not joking:

“We are in this together, we will get through it together.”

Gal Gadot just posted a video of her and other artists (who are also quarantined because of the COVID-19) singing Imagine by John Lennon on Instagram.

Gal Gadot also posted the video on her Instagram with the caption, “We are in this together, we will get through it together. Let’s imagine together. Sing with us ❤ All love to you, from me and my dear friends.” She then tagged the numerous celebrities that decided to take part in this ill-advised video, including Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Fallon, Will Farrell, Pedro Pascal, and Cara Delevingne.

Fan response to the video hasn’t been great, and many people shared their thoughts on Twitter:

What would I do without celebrities posting videos on social media telling us little people it’s going to be okay?

Me two seconds after opening that Gal Gadot video.

Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, Natalie Portman, Pedro Pascal, Kristen Wiig, Jamie Dornan, Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon after posting that video of them singing “Imagine” off-key

Gal Gadot and friends

The second hand embarrassment I experienced watching that Gal Gadot singing video

me seeing some of my fave celebrities singing in the gal gadot video

Gal Gadot and those celebrities after posting a video of them attempting to sing “Imagine”

A number of fans also reposted the video with their own captions:

Celebrities after hoarding all the covid tests and donating no money to the working poor

a nightmare… literally a nightmare

This is the most cursed video I have ever seen LMAO why would gal gadot think this was a good idea

Here’s a message from people with a lot of possessions that can take a year off of work and not flinch telling everyone outa work to imagine a world with no possessions while people are living in the street a half mile away from ‘em. RT @MattWalshBlog:

Please make it stop, we’re suffering enough!! Want to “imagine” something? Imagine giving your obscene wealth to people who need it to fight this #coronavirus pandemic. Attention seeking at it’s finest!

While we’re sure that Gadot and the other celebrities involved in the video had good intentions, a video of celebrities singing on Instagram does little for those who are missing paychecks or meals due to the pandemic. If you’re looking to make an actual difference during this time, here are a couple of ways to help your community.

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