Gary Barlow reveals he hasnt eaten a burger since 2009 out of discipline

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Take That frontman Gary Barlow has revealed he has not eaten a hamburger for 14 years out of discipline.

Appearing on BBC’s Saturday Kitchen, the singer-songwriter had to conjure up his idea of “food heaven”, telling host Matt Tebbutt that it took him three attempts but he felt he had “really nailed it” in choosing a hamburger.

The 52-year-old said: “The food heaven is something I can remember the last time I had it was 2009.

“I don’t eat hamburgers very often but I love them so much. It’s a big treat.”

When asked whether it was “because you’re very disciplined”, he responded: “I try to be.”

He joked with TV presenter and wine expert Olly Smith saying: “We have our daily fitness conversations, we’re challenged", and added, "The food heaven for me is an ultimate hamburger with everything on, great bun, great beef with shoestring fries, condiments mayonnaise (and) ketchup, lightly pan-fried red onions, cheese, gorgeous.”

Gary was also asked to pick his “food hell," and chose haggis.

He said: “I’m already worried because I feel like the people of Scotland are taking offence, but it’s not that.

“A lot of my friends are Scottish, I love playing gigs in Scotland, it’s not an attack on Scotland. It’s haggis, I hate it.

“I taste it for about two weeks once I’ve eaten it. Not good.”

At the end of the show, the public picked Gary to eat his “food hell” which was served as a kofta.

He’s come far since his Take That days, where the rock and roll lifestyle quickly started to get out of control.

Reflecting on his younger days, he said: "There was a little menu any given day for 1999, breakfast spliff — wake and bake — 11am Quality Street, eat all the ones you like, leave all the ones you don’t, 1pm more food … and then 4pm all the Quality Street you didn’t eat in the morning and then 6pm the doors are open, it’s party time, Jack Daniels and Coke, oh and cigarettes, 40 on a bad day, 60 on a good one."

He added: "One morning I caught myself in the mirror and I thought, 'Oh no, I’ve got to do something.”

Speaking to James Corden about this period in his life back in lockdown, Gary admitted he had “lost himself” during the period of depression and change, as he confessed he realised he had “lost control.”

He shared: "I had a rough period with food that I'm not proud of, where I really lost control of myself.

"I remember one particular day just thinking: 'How have I got here?' I was just so disappointed with myself.”

He says he doesn’t allow himself treat days for fear of falling off the wagon, and instead embraces healthy eating as part of a 360 lifestyle overhaul.

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