Mackenzie Edwards Wears Turban for Some Odd Reason, Gets Ripped to Shreds

Earlier this week, Mackenzie Edwards made an unexpected fashion statement on Instagram?

And, in response?

A whole bunch of people around the Internet fired back with the kind of critical statement she probably should have seen coming.

First, let’s take a look at what Edwards — who is married to Maci Bookout’s ex, Ryan, and who appeared on Teen Mom OG until Maci basically got her fired — wore on top of her head a few days ago:

“Hello Spring,” Mackenzie wrote as a simple caption to the snapshots above and below.

That’s what she wrote originally, that is.

Shortly after Edwards uploaded these photos, she got barraged by an onslaught of backlash from those who accused the ex-reality star of cultural appropriation.

This type of headwear, of course, is worn by Muslims and Sikhs for religious purposes, in order to keep their hair clean and in order to protect it…

… and here’s Edwards, trying to use the apparrel for the purposes of looking all cool and/or hip.

“That’s the most white suburban turban I’ve ever seen. Lots of laughs,” one user wrote as a comment in response to this look, while another agreed as follows:

“The point of a turban is to collect your hair. But obviously what would this uncultured woman know anything about that?”

Added a third observer: “This airs on the side of cultural appropriation, no?”

Mackenzie, who got roasted last week for dyeing her hair dark, as well, clearly saw all of these remarks.

She’s very obviously aware of the criticism out there.

To what extent?

To the extent that she actually went in and updated the caption she wrote to the turban pictures.

It now reads in full:

People have a lot to say about things that are different than the “norm”.

There’s so much time wasted trying to fit in or trying to be the same. It’s ok to step out of the box and try something new! Sometimes people love it and sometimes they hate it.

But I think it’s really cool to be different! Be your own self, own your own style!

That’s the thing, though.

That’s what Edwards doesn’t seem to comprehend.

This look is most definitely NOT her own style. It’s not new. It’s the complete opposite, in fact.

It’s a look she stole from a religion, one practiced by millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of people.

In the end?

Mackenzie’s revised caption makes her sound even more ignorant than the wearing of the turban itself.

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