Somehow Marie Kondo turned “spark joy” into a national mantra. Her best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is an international phenomenon, and just about everyone with a Netflix subscription tuned in to watch her declutter messy spaces during her series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. The Japanese-based organizing consultant is on top of the world.
With plenty of name recognition and fame, Marie Kondo is capitalizing on her success in a very unexpected way. Fans are slightly confused that rather than ridding the world of clutter, which you might expect, Kondo has instead decided to create more by launching a retail shop.
Here’s why some fans think the KonMari store seems like a huge dose of irony and doesn’t fit Kondo’s brand one bit.
Marie Kondo doesn’t believe in keeping clutter
Kondo’s decluttering method is simple, yet revolutionary.Besides taking specific steps to rid your house of unwanted stuff, Kondorecommends only holding those items that “spark joy” and ditching the rest,regardless of monetary or sentimental value.
According to Kondo, life becomesmore enjoyable when you learn to live with fewer material possessions.Instead of finding baskets and bins to corral excess stuff, the 35-year-olddesign guru recommends purging it completely.
But that’s what makes her next move so bizarre.
The KonMari shop is full of treasures
You’d think that someone like Marie Kondo would discourageunnecessary shopping sprees. But instead of advising against it, Kondo appearsto be encouraging consumerism with the launch of her retail website,
The online shop includes seven different categories of “items that spark joy for Marie and enhance your everyday routine.” That sounds great — except if you are focused on getting rid of stuff, not accumulating more. Does anyone actually need a $24 crumb brush or a $75 tuning fork and clear quartz crystal?
Fans have mixed reviewsof the online store
There are some useful items on the site, such as practical storage containers, cleaning accessories, and of course, Marie Kondo’s best selling collection of books. But overall, the site is anything but practical since it promotes buying new items over using what you already have.
To be fair, the curated collection of merchandise all follows Kondo’s minimalist perspective and there aren’t tons of items to choose from. The shopping experience is pleasant rather than overwhelming. But do we really need it?
Marie Kondo defended her decision
Critics already flocked to social media to express their disdain for the venture. One Twitter user said, “Marie Kondo tricked everyone into getting rid of their stuff so they can buy her stuff.” Another said, “So now Marie Kondo wants you to buy as much of her stuff as possible? #ironic” However, she defended her decision.
“I’m not trying to encourage over-purchasing anything. What’s most important to me is that you surround yourself with items that spark joy,” Kondo told Wall Street Journal. “If the bowl that you’re using currently sparks joy for you, I don’t encourage replacing it at all.”
Ok, then!
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