Tristan Thompson Was "Open" With Khloé Kardashian About Having to Take That Paternity Test

Hello and welcome back to the saga that is Tristan Thompson maybe being the father of another baby!

For those of you who are just joining us, a brief recap: Earlier this week, it was revealed that Tristan took two paternity tests after a woman named Kimberly Alexander claimed that he’s the father of her child. Both paternity tests came back negative, but apparently Kimberly is still claiming that Tristan is her baby daddy, cause Tristan and Khloé Kardashian’s lawyer had to send her a cease-and-desist letter, claiming she was spreading “outrageous lies” and “ridiculous fictional conspiracy theories” that Tristan falsified the paternity tests.

It’s not clear why Tristan and Khloé are sharing a lawyer (cue: rumors that they’re getting back together/the fact that I know nothing about law), but we do have some new intel about how this went down between the former couple. A source tells People, “Tristan has been open with Khloé from the beginning when it comes to the paternity test. He told her that he needed to take the test, but also that he didn’t believe that he is the dad.”

And apparently, the paternity claim hasn’t changed their co-parenting relationship. The source adds, “Khloé and Tristan have both worked hard to get to the point where they are now. Regardless of the issues that Khloé has had with Tristan, he has always been a responsible and great dad. Khloé will continue to support Tristan.”

This comes after the false rumors that Khloé and Tristan are expecting a second child together, so needless to say, this week has produced a lot of content for the next season of KUWTK!

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