A $300,000 USD Electric Flying Car Has Received Approval for Testing for the First Time in History

The SpaceX-backedstartup Alef Aeronautics is the first company in history to be approved to test an electric flying car that is set to be cost about $300,000 USD.

In a press release, the fully electric flying car from the Californian automaker has received an official Special Airworthiness Certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Model A. This approval marks the fist of its kind for a flight-capable car. CEO Jim Dukhovny said, “It allows us to move closer to bringing people an environmentally friendly and faster commute, saving individuals and companies hours each week. This is one small step for planes, one giant step for cars.”

While the car has been approved for a fly test, the ever-evolving FAA restrictions has limited the location and purpose for which the car is permitted to fly. The company plans to produced the first flying car that has both street driving and vertical take-off capabilities so that it will be designed to fit within existing urban infrastructure for both driving and parking.

The flying vehicle is expected to be able to take off vertically and horizontally and could carry up to two people. With a road range of 200 miles and a flying range of 110 miles, many car enthusiasts are already in line to become one of the first people to own the flying car. So far, 440 people have paid a deposit. Those who pay $150 USD deposit can join the general queue while those who pay $1,500 USD will get priority access when deliveries begin. Last year, CEO Dukhovny told news outlets that people can expect these flying cars to hit the sky by 2025.

In other automotive news, Ferrari has unveiled the special-edition SF90 XX Supercar.
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