David Baddiel defends Meghan Markle over viral clip of her curtsy to Queen

David Baddiel has defended Meghan Markle’s explanation of her curtsey to the late Queen in her explosive Netflix documentary with Prince Harry.

The Duchess of Sussex, who was born and raised in LA, recalled how she learned the British custom shortly before meeting Her Majesty for the first time in the six-part series.

The 41-year-old explained to the programme makers: ‘I didn’t know I was going to meet her until moments before.

‘We were in the car and we were going to Royal Lodge for lunch. And [Harry] was like, “Oh, my grandmother is here. She’s going to be there after church.”

‘I remember we were in the car, driving, and he’s like, “You know how to curtsy, right?” And I just thought it was a joke.’ 

It then dawned on the former Suits actor that the meeting with the Queen, who died in September, was a ‘big deal’, adding: ‘I mean Americans would understand this.’

Meghan then went on to reenact the curtsy in an exaggerated fashion, extending her arms at full length, in a moment that has apparently divided viewers.

Meghan has previously spoken about her surprise at the custom during her bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey last year.

She said that although she realised other people meeting the monarch would curtsy, ‘I didn’t think that happened inside the family.’

She said that Harry told her she wasn’t just his grandmother but ‘the Queen.’

Meghan said she couldn’t Google how to curtsy as they were waiting in the car, so was shown to do it outside just before going in.

Harry & Meghan is available to stream on Netflix.

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