WhatsApp has recently detailed what exactly will happen to users who disagree to its privacy changes. Earlier last week, the Facebook-owned messaging app stated it will allow users time to review WhatsApp’s planned privacy updates all “at their own pace”.
WhatsApp has said that users will see a banner displayed at the top of the app, which is expected to explain the new privacy terms and changes. WhatsApp claims that it will “slowly ask” users to agree to the new terms “in order to have full functionality of WhatsApp”. However, for those who choose not to comply with the terms by May 15, “these users will be able to receive calls and notifications, but will not be able to read or send messages from the app.”
The “short time” span supposedly gives users a few weeks to decide but the account may be deleted since one of WhatsApp’s policies for inactive users gives the company the right to delete the account after 120 days of inactivity.
The messaging app has already received backlash from its users, particularly in its biggest market, India. Following the backlash, WhatsApp addressed the issue stating, “We’ve heard from so many people how much confusion there is around our recent update. There’s been a lot of misinformation causing concern and we want to help everyone understand our principles and the facts.” WhatsApp delayed into the introduction of its new policy from February 8 to May 15.
The new privacy policy outlines that messages between individual accounts on WhatsApp will still be end-to-end encrypted but, messages sent to businesses may be stored on Facebook servers and utilized for advertising data. Additionally, the new terms would allow Facebook and WhatsApp to share transaction and payment data in order to broaden e-commerce offerings and better target ads.
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