Capricorn December horoscope 2021: Whats in store for Capricorn this month?

Horoscopes: Expert offers advice to This Morning callers

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Capricorn, you’re really getting your priorities straight this month. You’ll start with lots of relaxation and thinking before plunging into a few weeks of socialising, working out, travelling and asking for what you want and deserve. chatted to astrologer, cosmic coach, crystal healer and founder of the Moon Child Sorority, Bex Milford (@cosmic_cures on Instagram) to find out the Capricorn December horoscope for 2021.

December begins with a Solar Eclipse on December 4, which gives you a chance to connect with your spiritual side!

Solar Eclipses are super-charged New Moons, and this is traditionally the time of the lunar cycle where we embrace fresh starts and new beginnings.

Bex said: “You may feel drawn to a kind of ‘retreat’ during the first week of December.

“This will help you to collect your energy and have a period of replenishment before fully immersing yourself in what could be a hectic month!”

Healing and having time to think is crucial for the start of December.

Bex said: “Healing is a priority around the Eclipse, and engaging in activities that you know nourish you – meditation, yoga, walking in nature – will help set you up for a wonderful few weeks ahead.

“This can also be a really positive time to volunteer and help others.

“Since Sagittarius is all about broadening horizons, you should look for ways you can be of service that will also expand your awareness of other cultures or perspectives.”

On December 13, Mercury the planet of communication enters your zodiac sign!

Bex said: “When Mercury is in Capricorn, we become far more logical in the way we think and more practical in the way we share information.

“You could find things getting a lot busier with you, and conversation with friends, family and neighbours reaches a crescendo!

“You may also find that come mid-December you’re called upon to do a lot of organising – not just for yourself, but for your nearest and dearest too!

“This can mean a lot of to-ing and fro-ing too, since Mercury rules travel, so watch out when committing to tasks and errands in case you overestimate your time and resources.”

Mercury in Capricorn is all about speaking up, so don’t be shy.

Bex said: “It is a great time to share your opinions, especially if there’s something you’ve been meaning to share regarding your plans for the future.

“Put yourself out there and you’ll be rewarded.

“You come across as authoritative, confident and enthusiastic, so people respect what you have to say!”

When the Full Moon in Gemini lights up the sky on December 19, it is a great time to think about unhealthy habits you want to shift.

Bex said: “Look back to your resolutions from last year, and ask yourself honestly how you’ve adhered to your plans to get healthy, maintain a level of wellness, and quit any habits or addictions.

“If you have not quite managed to stick to your goals then notice where these unwanted patterns occur and why you still remain in the loop.

“This could be especially prevalent if the Full Moon brings up any health issues for you that have been lying dormant and now won’t be ignored!

“Gemini is the sign of the social twins, so use the energy of this Moon to see if you can enlist the help of a friend on your road to health and wellbeing, and enter 2022 as each other’s accountability buddies!”

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