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Aries (Mar 21/Apr 20)
Someone you are with is very good at hiding what they are feeling. Because it’s not always obvious what angers them, you might unintentionally say or do something that triggers a strong reaction. Tread carefully in all relationships.
Taurus (Apr 21/May 21)
People will be impressed by your skills and knowledge. You’re mixing with friends who are on the same wavelength and your online popularity increases. Although you have always been a stickler for routine, you long for a stimulating acceleration in activity.
Gemini (May 22/June 21)
Pleasing people by giving in to them will make it easier for them to order you about in the future. Now is the time to stay true to your own interests. Bending to the will of a manipulative friend or partner puts them in a stronger position.
Cancer (June 22/July 23)
You sense there is more to someone’s attentiveness than they are letting on. You are grateful for their helpfulness but a kind offer will have many strings attached. This situation is being stage managed to their benefit.
Leo (July 24/Aug 23)
Someone you work with or who lives near you is getting too familiar. Their questions and comments are too personal for comfort. They may have done you a favour or two but that doesn’t give them permission to intrude.
Virgo (Aug 24/Sept 23)
Why should you change your plans for the sake of an awkward friend or colleague? If someone keeps criticising your work, or your approach to a job you’ve carried out many times before, ignore their comments.
Leo August horoscope: Astrology reading for the month ahead
Virgo August horoscope: Astrology reading for the month ahead
Aries August horoscope: Astrology reading for the month ahead
Libra (Sept 24/Oct 23)
You could find yourself working with people you don’t know very well. It will be a struggle to get on the same wavelength. If you disagree with anyone, it might be a good idea to hold back and say little. Leave it to others to do the talking.
Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22)
A task is completed to everyone’s satisfaction. Be proud of the part you played in bringing this about. Experiences you go through now will make you more confident. You are more certain about your decisions and more determined about what you are doing.
Sagittarius (Nov 23/Dec 21)
A sum of money you were expecting to arrive as August ends is delayed. This will cause you a lot of hassle. You and your housemates may have to pool your resources to pay the bills. Solving problems won’t be easy because you have to rely so much on other people.
Capricorn (Dec 22/Jan 20)
You might find it hard to take in all that happens as the week begins. You will be getting on really well with someone you’ve only recently met. Something wonderful is developing between you and if you’re single, this could be your chance to land a romantic interest.
Aquarius (Jan 21/Feb 19)
The better the planning and the more prepared you are, the more you will fit into your days. Set a goal and share your intentions with people who may be interested. Once friends hear what you are planning, you will get many offers of support.
Pisces (Feb 20/Mar 20)
A friend lets you down. You will try to forget it but it will seem to have started a chain reaction. People will forget promises made. Appointments are cancelled and anything that can go wrong will seem to go wrong.
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