Rihanna to Release a Luxurious Coffee Table Book Filled with Photos of Her — All the Details

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Singer, makeup mogul and now, author!

On Monday, Rihanna announced the upcoming release of her newest project, a coffee table book packed with fashionable photos of herself through the years.

To be published on Oct. 24, the book, fittingly titled Rihanna, includes more than 1,000 photos in its 500-plus pages. According to the star, it’s been in the works for five years.  

“Happy to finally share this collection of incredible memories,” she tweeted. “Thanks to all of the photographers & artists that contributed & to @phaidon for working with me to publish my first piece of art in a new industry!”

This marks the latest release from Rihanna, who has launched successful fashion and beauty lines in the last few years.

Her latest album was released in 2016, but in March she posted an Instagram from the studio, suggesting she’s hard at work on new music. 


Some fans, hoping her latest release would be her ninth album, expressed exasperation on Monday. 

“Um #Navy did y’all ask #Rihanna for a book I swear she is promoting anything but that damn album She gets the Petty Award for 2019,” one tweeted. 

Rihanna comes in four versions, starting at $150 for the standard copy. The Ultra Luxury Supreme version, featuring a stone pedestal, has already sold out. The book is available for pre-order now at the Phaidon website.

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