90 Day Fiancé star Yara Zaya has some fans feeling divided. At first, many fans were on Yara’s side — they felt as if she was doing her best while Jovi Dufrens got drunk and failed to step up. Now, as things are progressing between the two, fans are beginning to change their tune — and a recent dinner debacle seems to be one of the biggest sources of their discontent. Some think Yara was serving up nothing but attitude during the episode, while others defend her in the wake of Gwen’s parenting criticisms.
Yara’s Ukrainian cooking puts off Jovi’s family, they discuss parenting
90 Day Fiancé star Yara Zaya prepared a special Christmas celebration for Jovi Dufrens family, including Gwen Eymar, Claire Cortez, and Chris Cortez. Yara prepared a variety of Ukrainian dishes, which included pickled fish and caviar.
Despite Yara’s insistence that the dish is what rich people in Ukraine eat, her new extended family didn’t seem to enjoy their dishes. Things only got worse from there — Gwen and Jovi teamed up to question Yara’s parenting.
Recently Yara and Jovi have been butting heads over Mylah’s sleeping arrangement. Yara has been co-sleeping with Mylah, but Jovi and Gwen think it’s too much. Yara added that she wants Myla to have a house in their backyard when she grows up.
Gwen suggested that Mylah won’t grow up to be independent as a result. Jovi went ahead and said Yara is being a “psycho” when it comes to her parenting.
It was clear that Yara was not feeling happy or comfortable with the situation. She left to go change Mylah’s diaper.
‘90 Day Fiancé’ star Yara Zaya tells them to leave
Following the parenting conversation, Yara Zaya basically seemed to kick out Jovi’s family. The 90 Day Fiancé star tells Jovi that Mylah had to go to bed at six, and that he needed to tell his family to leave.
Jovi wasn’t too thrilled with the idea, replying that it seemed rude, especially because his family traveled two hours to be there and had only spent two hours in the house. Jovi has also been away at work for months, so he’s feeling a little upset at the idea of kicking his family out so early.
Yara eventually broke the news to Jovi’s family herself, in a roundabout way. She told them Mylah had to go to bed, and Gwen eventually realized that Yara was kicking them out.
“We say in Ukraine like this, ‘You feed. You enjoy the food. You freaking leave, go home,’” Yara told producers during a segment with Jovi.
Fans are feeling a little annoyed with her behavior
90 Day Fiancé fans aren’t thrilled with Yara’s decision to kick Jovi’s family out of the house so early. Many seem to think her choice made no sense, as Yara could have put Mylah to bed and then rejoined everyone else.
“That was ridiculous. She has never been to a dinner where the children sleep in their bedroom while the adults are dining? I’m SO SICK of her WHINING and whiny voice. She is just unbearable to me now. I was fully on her side for 75% of the time. Now it’s down to zero. Enough,” wrote one frustrated viewer on Reddit.
“Honestly. I was so p-ssed watching this. You can put the baby to bed and then socialize with your guests,” wrote a viewer on another thread.
Another user pointed out that Yara probably wanted to get rid of Jovi’s family after Gwen and Jovi ganged up on her for letting Mylah co-sleep.
“I think her problem with them being there was when they started telling her Mylah needs to be in her own bed. Later in the episode she even admits to having a problem with them telling her how she needs to be in her own bed. THAT was her main issue, she just used the baby as an excuse I feel,” wrote the user.
“Idk, I’d be tempted to pretend short dinners were a cultural thing if my in-laws hated my food and criticized my parenting, too,” added another user.
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