Dan spooked by new trial discovery in Emmerdale video as he makes final decision

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Dan Spencer (Liam Fox) is set to be spooked by a new discovery ahead of his trial in Emmerdale, as a new spoiler video shows.

The single dad is due in court following an incident that saw him leave stalker Lloyd hospitalised with a single punch.

In the new video, Dan’s solicitor explains exactly what will happen when Dan pleads not guilty to the crime.

As daughter Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell) promises to be there with him, he tries to discourage her from coming, but she won’t be persuaded otherwise.

Once she has left to drop daughter Esther off with Noah Dingle (Jack Downham), Dan asks his solicitor an important question: Will she have to take the stand when the case goes to trial?

The solicitor explained that her testimony would be crucial in providing context for the attack, seeing as it was her that Dan had been defending.

After her social media page gained popularity, Lloyd tracked her down, leaving her fearing for her safety and causing Dan to lash out.

Having discovered that Amelia will have to take the stand, Dan is left concerned.

Following the events of the spoiler video, Dan will take the stand in court with the intention of pleading not guilty.

However, when he comes face to face with Lloyds wife Julie his guilt becomes apparent, and soon he is struck my memories of the attack in question.

Overcome by the moment, Dan pleads guilty to the crime, leaving Amelia horrified.

Is he set to go to prison, or will the judge be lenient?

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