Its not easy Carol Vorderman in rare admission on raising son Cameron King

Carol Vorderman discusses raising a child with additional needs

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Carol Vorderman, who is standing in for Lorraine Kelly whilst she recovers from Covid-19, was joined by Christine McGuinness to discuss her new book about her life and dealing with her autism diagnosis. As Christine spoke about raising three children with autism, Carol spoke about her own experience of raising son Cameron.

Addressing Christine’s new book, Carol began: “It’s out in paperback, I know this was for you a big move, a big move for anyone to do an autobiography, and you did lay it bare.”

Christine admitted: “Yeah, I just wanted to be as honest as possible, I still pinch myself that I have these opportunities, even just being here today, I can’t believe it.

“So when this book publisher came along and said ‘We’d love for you to write your autobiography’ I just wanted to go for it and be as honest as possible.”

Carol praised: “Yeah, and you were, some really deep traumas, your dad had a heroin addiction, there was sexual abuse from another member of the family.

“I don’t want to go into that today, but even just bringing up three children with autism, my son has, I don’t think he is autistic, but he has severe learning difficulties.

“But similar sort of issues, it is not easy, Christine.”

Christine agreed: “It isn’t, it is difficult at times, but there are lots to enjoy and celebrate and that comes along with having children with additional needs.

“I felt like that was so important to put in the book as that is the biggest part of my life, that is me, I have three autistic children, I am autistic myself.”

More to follow…

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