Jenny hints that the Rovers may only have weeks before closure in Corrie spoilers

The Rovers landlady Jenny Bradley hints that the pub might only have weeks before it closes, in the latest Coronation Street spoilers. In recent episodes, Jenny has been open about the financial pressures that are facing the pub at the moment.

Jenny's partner Owen Longford suggested that she should sell up, but Jenny was insistent that is not an option. Jenny has been at the helm of the Rovers since 2018, and she is determined that her reign will not end here.

The suggestions didn't end there as fellow businessman Stephen Reid suggested that she should change the portion sizes of the food in the pub instead of putting her prices up.

However, when she tried to change the amount of meat in the pub's famous hot pot, it didn't go down well with the unimpressed regulars and Jenny was forced to go back to the old recipe.

The oven in the pub kitchen then went bust and tripped the electricity. While the electrics could be fixed, the oven couldn't, and it cost the landlady £2,000 to replace it.

Now in Friday's episode, Jenny decides to take Stephen's advice and puts the prices up in the bar and her room rental rate. When the customers notice the price hikes, they are left unimpressed with Jenny's decision.

It's not just the customers who are unhappy, as Jenny's bar staff are left shocked when they find that their shifts have been cut. Barmaid Gemma Winter-Brown has five children to look after, and she is already struggling for cash so she decides to start working for Henry Newton.

She lies to her husband, Chesney, telling him that she will be working in a different department. However, Chesney spots Gemma getting into Henry's car.

Looking to drum up some business, Sean Tully hands out flyers about a darts night in the pub. Despite the flyers, nobody turns up for the night, and Jenny is left utterly deflated.

Jenny then finds Sean, Kirk Sutherland, Gary Windass and George Shuttleworth drinking and playing darts in Ed Bailey's backyard. The discovery leaves her teary as she confides in her step-daughter Daisy Midgeley.

She tells Daisy that with trade the way it is at the moment, the pub is only weeks away from closing.

Elsewhere on the cobbles, Stu Carpenter admits to Alya Nazir that his partner Yasmeen Nazir is going off him in favour of Roy Cropper. Alya tries to reassure Stu and urges him to take an interest in Yasmeen's hobbies.

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