Mack gets yet more bad news from Moira in Emmerdale

Mack’s (Lawrence Robb) is having a rough old time of it lately having been painfully kicked to the curb by Charity (Emmer Atkins), and narrowly escaping a murder charge in Emmerdale. Bad news always comes in threes.

He’s just managed to get things back on track with Chloe (Jessie Elland) after he asked her to lie for him when he was accused of pushing Caleb (Will Ash) to his possible death, but he’s talked her round and has just signed the lease on a new house. Things look rosy. But is he about to lose everything all over again?

Signing a new lease wasn’t a great idea given the state of Butler’s Farm. There’s little money coming in and Moira (Natalie J Robb) is facing financial ruin if she doesn’t act fast.

Cain tells Moira that the time has come to make a tough decision – she must choose between Nate (Jurell Carter) or Mack to be made redundant. Nate is a great farm hand and Cain’s son, Mack has been hugely supportive and is her brother. It’s no easy choice.

Moira comes up with a brilliant-slash-cowardly way to duck out of making the choice herself and pits the two men against each other. They’re told that they will be put through a competitive interview process for them to fight over the one job.

This infuriates Tracy (Amy Walsh), and she’s prompted to take a financial offer from Caleb, who’s keen to invest in her nursery idea.

With Nate’s job at risk, Tracy’s next move could have huge consequences for her family.

Has Moira’s lack of decision-making set some devastating wheels in motion of Caleb’s next scam?

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