Ronda Rousey on 9-1-1: Who does she play on the FOX show?

9-1-1 is back on FOX and the tsunami has turned everything upside down. With the third episode of the new season looming, there are questions about who will survive and how much worse things will get before the water recedes.

Last week, 9-1-1 viewers got a glimpse of Ronda Rousey as a lady firefighter who was helping people off the Ferris wheel. She is playing the role of Lena Bosko.

While it is unclear how long she will stick around during Season 3, her time on the set hasn’t been the easiest. Rousey nearly lost a finger the first day she was filming 9-1-1, something that she documented on social media.

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So the word is out I nearly lost my finger shooting. Freak accident, first take of the day a boat door fell on my hand, I thought I just jammed my fingers so I finished the take before looking (I know it sounds crazy, but I’m used to live audiences and never showing pain unless I’m supposed to) after a break in the action I told our director the situation and was rushed via ambulance to the hospital where they promptly reattached my bone and tendon with a plate and screws. I returned to filming the next day and finished my scenes before returning home to recover. Modern medicine amazes me, I already had 50% range of motion back in 3 days. There’s so much more than I can write here, stayed tuned via @rondarouseydotcom for the full story. And of course tune in to see how well I can act like my finger didn’t just fall off in this upcoming season of @911onfox

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A lot is going on with the tsunami and the rest of the medics who responded to the pier, which was devastated by the water. Buck (Oliver Stark) was with Christopher (Gavin McHugh), spending the day hanging out when tragedy struck. While he was able to locate him and get him to safety, at the end of last week’s episode, Christopher went missing. 9-1-1 viewers are worried that he may end up dead despite Buck’s efforts to locate him.

Lena Bosko will be working with Bobby (Peter Krause) and Eddie (Ryan Guzman). She was only seen briefly on 9-1-1 up until this point, but Monday’s episode is expected to bring more of Ronda Rousey in her role. This has been something viewers have been looking forward to as it was announced that she would be appearing on 9-1-1 back in August.

As the tsunami storyline wraps up, it remains to be seen if Ronda Rousey will stick around or if her stint was short-lived because of the number of medics needed during the tragedy. Either way, Lena Bosko made an impression on the 9-1-1 viewers as she was helping those who were trapped to get to safety during last week’s episode.

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