She’s gorgeous Countryfiles Adam Henson emotional as he welcomes new arrival on farm

Countryfile: Adam Henson teases ‘new arrival’ at farm

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Sunday evening’s Countryfile marked a happy occasion for Adam Henson as he welcomed a filly as part of his team of Suffolk Punch horses. He explained to BBC viewers he’d been hoping for a female foal for some time and finally Lexi had given birth to one. As he met the young horse for the first time, Adam was overcome with emotion and couldn’t stop gushing over Mayflower.

After inspecting the rapeseed on his farm, Adam told viewers: “Now I’m heading to Worcestershire to meet a new arrival, who until now, I’ve only seen on ultrasound.”

A clip from September 2021 was shown and Adam was keen to find out if the foal would be a boy or girl. He was told it was likely to be male.

However, there was a surprise in story as the farmer explained: “Despite the vet’s prediction, I’ve been keeping everything crossed that Lexi would give birth to a female foal, a filly, to help keep the Suffolk Punch breed going.

“After losing her first foal and then giving birth to a colt foal, she’s finally come up trumps and had a filly and I’ve brought her some apples as a treat.”

Adam went into a field to meet the filly for the first time with Alison who has been looking after Lexi and her new born.

The presenter could not be happier as he cooed over the foal calling her “beautiful”.

“Seeing this foal for the first time, it’s genuinely quite emotional, it’s really, really lovely to have a filly foal which is helping preserve these rare and wonderful animals,” Adam said.

“She’s absolutely gorgeous isn’t she? And growing well!”

Adam announced the filly would be named Mayflower due to her birth month before training her in a barn.

As the farmer stroked her on the neck, Mayflower became less nervous but remained alert.

“I’m absolutely over the moon,” Adam stated. “It was wonderful having little Braveheart last year but having a filly foal when we thought we were going to have a colt is extra special. Thank you. Very happy.”

Adam told viewers: “I’m absolutely delighted Lexi has had another foal and every filly born is great news for the Sussex Punch breed. Mayflower just needs a few more days with Alison to make sure she’s fit and healthy and then she can come home.”

Viewers were thrilled to see Lexi’s newborn foal too as Natalie Drury posted on Twitter: “#countryfile like the Foal so sweet Mayflower.”

“It’s nice watching this horse and her foal together, #CountryFile,” @TheMainstand stated.

Teena Massam posted: “Lexi’s foal is beautiful…#countryfile,” along with heart eye emojis.

@Spaniels_Rule tweeted: “#countryfile Lexi’s foal is stunning awwwwwww.”

As Adam welcomes the foal to his Cotswolds farm, viewers are likely to see more of the youngster over the coming months.

Countryfile airs Sunday on BBC One.

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