The truth about Rosario Dawson’s sexuality

Rosario Dawson is an accomplished actress known for her starring roles in Josie and the PussycatsMen in Black II and hit shows such as DaredevilLuke Cage, and Jane the Virgin, but she also happens to be an activist, a partier, and someone who became famous accidentally. Beyond all of that, she’s also made headlines over questions about her sexuality.

In 2018, she shared an Instagram post that many interpreted as her identifying as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but during an interview with Bustle in February 2020, she attempted to clarify her identity. “People kept saying that I [came out] … I didn’t do that,” she said. “I mean, it’s not inaccurate, but I never did come out come out. I mean, I guess I am now.” Dawson added, “I’ve never had a relationship in that space, so it’s never felt like an authentic calling to me.”

Regardless of how Dawson identifies her sexuality, there is one thing that certainly seems to be “authentic” — her relationship with New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker.

Rosario Dawson has found her person in Cory Booker

Rosario Dawson met New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker in October 2018, and soon enough, the two were dating. While things seem to be going well for the pair, Dawson is well aware of the fact that this relationship far from typical.

Dawson spoke with Bustle about the implications of dating a politician, particularly one with presidential ambitions. “It’s the first time I felt like I had to be responsible about my choice of love, which is a challenging thing to do. If you fall in love, you fall in love,” Dawson said. “[T]here’s another aspect I had to consider: what this meant in [putting] a microscope on my family and particularly on my daughter.” Despite any reservations, Dawson said she feels like she’s simply meant to be with Booker. “[I]n each other I think we found our person,” she said. 

“For my whole life, I’ve always felt like, even when I got into a relationship, I was trying to be the center of the storm and everything was just this maelstrom out there,” she told The Washington Post. “But for the first time, I feel like I have someone in the center of the storm with me.” Let’s hope for fair winds and following seas for this powerful pair.

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