Two violent deaths confirmed in Emmerdale after tragic mistake?

Things go very badly wrong when Leyla (Roxy Shahidi) tries to get revenge on evil drug dealer Callum (Tom Ashley) in upcoming Emmerdale episodes – and lives are left hanging in the balance as a result.

After Leyla triumphantly told Callum she’d recorded him carrying out a drug deal in a recent episode, it was clear almost straight away that she’d made a huge mistake by trying to take on the violent criminal herself. She was left fearing for Jacob (Joe-Warren Plant)’s life after Callum made threats towards him. Jacob, of course, was previously stabbed and almost killed by Callum when he tried to confront the violent thug himself.

Pollard (Chris Chittell) and David (Matthew Wolfenden) are terrified to discover that Jacob could be in danger after she reveals what’s happening to them, and David takes Jacob to stay with Pollard to try to keep him safe.

Meanwhile it’s Suzy (Martelle Edinborough) who is targeted by Callum after she comes up with a plan to spread it around his criminal associates that he’s been grassing them up, hoping a bit of ‘peer pressure’ might make him leave the area. But Callum knows what she’s up to and lurks outside Take A Vow. As Suzy leaves he attacks her with a brick, leaving her unconscious on the ground.

Mary (Louise Jameson) finds Suzy and calls an ambulance, but although Suzy eventually regains consciousness she tells Leyla she’s terrified that Callum could come back and finish the job.

With Suzy vulnerable in hospital, Leyla’s terror only increases when she starts to get threatening messages from Callum and she confides in Caleb (William Ash), after he finds her in tears in the graveyard. He has some words of advice for her, and Leyla makes her mind up about her next move.

‘She wants to pay him off. She thinks if she can utilise every single financial asset she’s got and offer him everything, that will resolve the situation because he’ll feel like there’s nothing left for him to take from her,’ Roxy Shahidi told us. ‘So she sells her car, she maxes out her credit card and she goes to meet him. She’s hoping that that is going to draw a line under it.’

The plan backfires massively as once again Leyla had underestimated how ruthless Callum can be.

‘He takes her money and stuffs her in the boot of the car,’ Roxy said. ‘Which was quite scary to film!’

Leyla finds herself bound and gagged. As her family realise she’s not answering her phone they’re filled with dread about what could have happened to her.

Will Leyla make it out alive?

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