Jinger Duggar: Here’s the Latest Proof That She’s Pregnant

For several weeks now, Counting On fans have been convinced that Jinger Duggar is pregnant.

They don’t have many convincing theories as to why she’s keeping the news under wraps, but a growing group of Duggar obsessives are of the opinion that Jinger is hiding a bump while in quarantine.

Some of the evidence that Jinger is expecting is actually quite compelling.

For example, she included the hashtag “#healthyfitpregnancy” in a recent Instagram caption.

However, some of the “evidence” is clearly rooted in wishful thinking on the part of fans.

Take, for instance, this photo of Jinger in a raincoat.

Fans theorized that she was attempting to conceal her pregnancy.

But it should be noted that Jinger was also walking in the rain at the time … so it’s not all that crazy that she would be sporting a raincoat.

Anyway, another week, another piece of evidence that Jinger is knocked up.

Sadly (at least for those who are desperately hoping she has a baby on the way), this latest “proof” falls into the wishful thinking category.

Jinger posted the above photo of herself earlier this week.

“Puzzles are my go-to thing right now, what are yours?” she captioned the pic.

You might be thinking, Hey, that’s literally just a photo of her doing a puzzle in a cardigan.

And you would be right.

But Jinger pregnancy truthers are so convinced she’s knocked up that they’re finding evidence literally everywhere.

The comments erupted in speculation when one fan observed that Jinger is looking “glowier” these days.

If you’re a Counting On fan, we probably don’t need to tell you that the Duggars have their own language when it comes to pregnancy.

In fact, they don’t even use the word “pregnant.”

They prefer euphemisms like “expecting” and “glowing.”

So everyone knew exactly what this follower was implying, and many of them joined in.

“I think Jinger is pregnant with that glow and her chubby cheeks a little bit, it’s cute I’m not hating on her I swear,” wrote one follower.

Yes, there’s a certain awkwardness in speculating that a woman is pregnant when you really have no idea.

The possibility of hurting her feelings is one of the many reasons you probably just shouldn’t do it.

But like the Duggars themselves, Duggar fans are obsessed with pregnancy, and right now, they don’t have a lot to talk about.

Sure, Joy-Anna is pregnant with her second baby,

But coming off the great Duggar baby boom of 2019, the lack of natal news in 2020 feels like a bit of a let-down for some folks.

However, that’s no reason to blow up Jinger’s comment sections with wild speculation.

Is she pregnant? Obviously that’s a possibility.

But thus far, there hasn’t been anything in the way of convincing evidence.

So difficult as it might be, maybe we should all just chill until Jinger makes an announcement — then you have our permission to go crazy and start guessing the gender and suggesting baby names.

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