For the Duggars, dating does not exist. There is courtship, and courtship exists to lead to marriage.
Married couples are then expected to have children — lots and lots of children.
Fans have been wondering for some time when John David and Abbie Duggar will have their second child.
But now, they seem to have revealed that they intend to stop with just one.
Recently, John David Duggar and his wife, Abbie Burnett, shared a post to social media.
At face value, it seems to be just a regular online transaction.
Specifically, it looks like they are selling some clothes through an app.
John and Abbie shared a post promoting Abbie’s Poshmark account.
The app and website is designed to help people purchase and resell clothing.
Abbie had to know that boosting the account to her nearly 600,000 Instagram followers would help her sell clothes.
People sell perfectly good clothing for many reasons.
Sometimes, they need to make room in their closet, or it no longer fits them.
There are many ways to realize that you no longer need certain items of clothing … but some are sadder than others.
Abbie doesn’t seem to be selling old dresses or scarves or jackets.
Instead, she is selling baby clothing.
This is deeply unusual for any member of the Duggar family … especially for parents of one.
The Duggars rely upon hand-me-downs to clothe their massive brood of children.
This means that they don’t dispose of a child’s shirt after it is outgrown.
They know that “the next one” — and there is always a next one — will soon be able to wear it.
It is hard to imagine John David and Abbie selling off the clothes out of a need for cash.
Baby clothes are expensive for many families to buy, but that doesn’t make it very profitable to sell them.
And part of the Duggar brand is that Jim Bob keeps his adult children out of poverty in exchange for, well, expecting them to tow the line.
It’s possible that maybe John David and Abbie didn’t have the storage space for the clothes.
That’s not usually a problem for the Duggars, since they’re accustomed to having another baby waiting in line.
That is not the case right now.
Grace is about a year and a half old.
Even if Abbie became pregnant today, those clothes would just sit around for a while.
Who wants that?
Or maybe they had some clothes that they just don’t like so much.
Sometimes you go “wow, this was a gift, we put our baby in it, but it’s been enough time” and you regift or sell it.
Since some of it is “boys” clothing — for babies, considered gender-neutral — and they put Grace in pink dresses, that could be it.
But … something tells fans that this very public sale is a ltitle more than that.
See, Abbie suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum.
That means that she experiences extreme, persisten nausea and vomiting while pregnant.
This isn’t morning sickness, and can directly impact the sufferer’s health.
Abbie and John know this all too well, as Abbie was hospitalized multiple times while pregnant with Grace.
That included multiple ER visits, with her being hooked on IVs at the hospital and at home to treat the extreme dehydration.
Medically, this scary situation is considered likely to repeat itself in a future pregnancy.
Because of this, John David and Abbie may have decided against having future children.
This would be a huge deviation from Jim Bob’s vision for the family.
That said, there are some small adult clothes in the mix.
Some fans believe that Abbie may be buying clothes, marking up the prices slightly, and reselling them for an easy profit.
If so, it may be working, as many of her items have already sold via the app.
Her presence on the app itself could be a paid gig, too.
It is easy to imagine a company offering some sample clothes to be sold as proof of product for their app.
This is all speculation, but until Abbie and John share their intentions, that is all that fans can do.
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