Olympic Skier Suffers Frozen Penis During Race – Wait, WHAT?!

A cross-country skier from Finland had a chilling realization in his run at the Winter Olympics in Beijing this past weekend.

Finnish Olympian Remi Lindholm was enjoying his Olympic experience — the first of his career — when he showed up on Saturday for the men’s 50km free start cross country race. The event was set to be the final one of his Olympic run in Beijing this year, so the 24-year-old started strong and was ready to go all out for glory!

But there was one leg of the race that was a problem: the third one!

You see, the weather was so adverse during the run, Olympic officials shortened the course to 30km for all racers for safety. But that wasn’t enough — because Lindholm’s PENIS froze during his race!


The 24-year-old athlete explained that his little man iced up during the outing, and after the race, he was forced to rush to the locker room to use a heat pack to thaw it out again!!! Speaking to the Finnish outlet Yle Sport, Lindholm said:

“I would have loved to have a decent ride, but you can guess which body part was a little bit frozen when I finished … When the body parts started to warm up after the finish, the pain was unbearable.”

Oh noooo!

It’s actually a wonder more athletes didn’t suffer the adverse effects of the weather in these events. After all, Lindholm and the others all spent over an hour “navigating the ski course in howling, freezing winds” before officials decided to cut the race short.

Per Reuters, who noted the terrible temperatures during the cross-country run, Lindholm was still surprised about the awful frozen conditions even after coming inside:

“It was one of the worst competitions I’ve been in. It was just about battling through.”


Thankfully, per Finnish newspaper Iltalehti, Lindholm did confirm that the heat pack helped warm up his package “a little.” Yeah, well, everything is going to be “little” for a while, Remi. Ha!!!

The craziest part is that this isn’t even the first time he’s suffered a frozen penis!!! Last year, per Iltalehti, Lindholm had to suffer with an ice-cold member during another race in Ruka, Finland. This poor guy! Maybe he’s just particularly vulnerable for some reason? Greater surface area perhaps?

The skier was a very good sport about it, though! He shared screenshots of international news stories about his shrinkage situation to his Instagram Stories throughout the day on Sunday, laughing about it as news outlets picked up the tale in English, Spanish, Finnish, and other languages.

He also posted a series of pro pics to his IG account celebrating his Olympics achievement and using the blue freezing face emoji to commemorate the whole situation. You can see those shots HERE.

IG commenters followed up with Remi after this unfortunate affair, too. Here are just a few of the reactions (below):

“I hope you feel warmer and better!”

“I hope you feel better soon and each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery”

“Frozen penis, your new nickname sounds like a super hero or super evil name.”

“Hows the peepee?”

“Praying for your boys”

“Get on Tinder to get a peepee warmer bro!”


Lindholm finished 26th in Saturday’s race, BTW. That follows a 45th place finish in the men’s 15km classic event, and a 25th place turn in the men’s 15km skiathlon earlier this month.

Not a bad showing overall for the first-time Olympian! Especially considering that handicap…

We just hope he sits near a lit fireplace or something for a long, long time. He’s certainly earned it! LOLz!

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