'Just because you're an actor, you think you can be arrogant?' Woman scolds actor Tay Ping Hui

Tay Ping Hui kept his peace for an hour, before he got fed up, and sternly reminded a woman to shut up.

The actor, 48, who was watching Chinese animated movie Ne Zha in a cinema a couple of days ago, posted: “Behind me sat a lady in her 60s and a teen who was probably her son.

“The moment the movie began, she incessantly made untimely comments and talked as though she was in her living room, totally oblivious to the other paying movie-goers around her.”

Tay, who is now based in China but is in town to film a drama called Mind’s Eye, added that he “turned around and gave her a single ‘shh’ to remind her that there were other people trying to watch the movie”.

After the film ended, the woman confronted him and said: “Just because you’re an actor, you think you can be arrogant and rude?”

Tay told her that “I really don’t think this has anything to do with me being an actor. I was telling you as a person”.

Not satisfied with his response, she further berated him, saying: “Other people were talking, then why didn’t you tell them to shut up? Why didn’t you tell the child in front of me to keep quiet?”

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If there was one word to describe my movie experience last night, it would be " SURREAL". I decided to watch the Chinese animation "NeZha" 《哪吒》, which was pretty awesome by the way. Behind me sat a lady in her 60s and a teen who was probably her son. The moment the movie began, she incessantly made untimely comments and talked as though she was in her living room, totally oblivious to the other paying moviegoers around her. This went on for almost 60 mins before I turned around and gave her a single "shh" to remind her that there were other people trying to watch the movie in peace. After the movie, she deathstared me till I was out of the cinema hall, then she chased me down and an exchange followed. L( lady): "excuse me, do you know you were rude to me?" M( me): "how was I rude? L: "you SHH me! ?" M: "You were talking so loudly throughout the movie. I was reminding you to be more considerate." L: " …JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE AN ACTOR you think you can be arrogant and rude is it?" M:" I really don't think this has anything to do with me being an actor. I was telling you as a person." L:" other people was talking, then why didn't you tell them to shut up? why didn't you tell the child in front of me to keep quiet? " M:" seriously?" At this point I realised it was a lost cause and I walked away. To be honest, I was more amused about the whole incident than angry because it's really one thing to be ignorant, but it's a whole different level when you are ignorant and don't even know it. Perhaps I was just brought up to have manners, because I have difficulty trying to understand her logic… Is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema? Or is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema and a child wasn't? Because as an adult, she should know better? ??‍♂️ #facepalm #dontsaypeoplearerudefortellingyouthatyouarerude

A post shared by Tay Ping Hui (@taypinghui) on

If there was one word to describe my movie experience last night, it would be ” SURREAL”. I decided to watch the Chinese animation “NeZha” 《哪吒》, which was pretty awesome by the way. Behind me sat a lady in her 60s and a teen who was probably her son. The moment the movie began, she incessantly made untimely comments and talked as though she was in her living room, totally oblivious to the other paying moviegoers around her. This went on for almost 60 mins before I turned around and gave her a single “shh” to remind her that there were other people trying to watch the movie in peace. After the movie, she deathstared me till I was out of the cinema hall, then she chased me down and an exchange followed. L( lady): “excuse me, do you know you were rude to me?” M( me): “how was I rude? L: “you SHH me! ?” M: “You were talking so loudly throughout the movie. I was reminding you to be more considerate.” L: ” …JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE AN ACTOR you think you can be arrogant and rude is it?” M:” I really don’t think this has anything to do with me being an actor. I was telling you as a person.” L:” other people was talking, then why didn’t you tell them to shut up? why didn’t you tell the child in front of me to keep quiet? ” M:” seriously?” At this point I realised it was a lost cause and I walked away. To be honest, I was more amused about the whole incident than angry because it’s really one thing to be ignorant, but it’s a whole different level when you are ignorant and don’t even know it. Perhaps I was just brought up to have manners, because I have difficulty trying to understand her logic… Is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema? Or is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema and a child wasn’t? Because as an adult, she should know better? ??‍♂️ #facepalm #dontsaypeoplearerudefortellingyouthatyouarerude

A post shared by Tay Ping Hui (@taypinghui) on

Tay then decided not to prolong the argument, and walked away.

Reflecting on the incident, he noted: “Perhaps I was just brought up to have manners, because I have difficulty trying to understand her logic.

“Is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema? Or is she upset about being called out for behaving badly in a cinema, and a child wasn’t?

“Because as an adult, she should know better?”

Tay’s post has drawn sympathy and support from netizens, with one person marvelling over the fact that he took so long – an hour – to react before he lost his patience.

“I would have shushed her down within 10 minutes into the movie,” the person wrote.

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