Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker blocked from marrying in Catholic church

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Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker were reportedly refused after they applied to host their dramatic Italian wedding in a Catholic church.

The couple – known for their sometimes-outrageous amounts of PDA – travelled to Portofino, Italy, for their lavish ceremony that they originally hoped to hold in an ancient monastery.

The reality star, 43, and her drummer beau, 47, explained their church fiasco in their upcoming wedding special on Hulu – ‘Till Death Do Us Part Kourtney & Travis.

In their once off special, the duo offered fans a glimpse at footage from the big day as well as clips of them discussing their plans in their Los Angeles home.

They revealed they initially wanted to emulate the 1991 Guns ‘n Roses music video for the rockers’ classic hit November Rain.

Their hopes for an exact replica of the iconic video were quickly dashed as they released an authentic Catholic church was off the table however Dolce & Gabbana’s Domenico Dolce saved the day.

He organised for a recreation of the religious building on his sprawling property in Portofino and arranged for a helicopter to drop in parts for a piano over the course of a number of days.

Travis explained in the TV show: ‘If it was our choice, we would have gotten married in a Catholic church, and it would have made a lot of sense, since we were both brought up Catholic’.

His wife quickly interjected with the fact she was brought up Christian however admitted she went to a Catholic high school.

The Kardashian star took over: ‘And then the church didn’t work out, especially like an Italian Catholic church is so strict and we needed really specific documents, or we had to do a one-year Catholic course.

She continued sharing that Domenico ‘had offered to let us use their property and have our wedding there and throw us our wedding there’ and that they ‘had to do helicopter drops to get the piano there, to get everything to build.

‘One thing I did realize, working with Domenico, is what Domenico says, he just does it. We presented a lot of stuff that looked like the church, and they just like created a church’.

‘Til Death Do Us Part Kourtney & Travis is available to watch on Hulu now.

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