Perhaps the only thing hotter than having sex: reading about sex. IMO, romance novels and erotic literature can be even hotter than a sexy movie or TV show, and if you’re looking to get turned on, then you might find some inspo between the pages of a hot-and-heavy book. Authors and poets have a way of describing sexual encounters that will make you feel like you’re in the heat of the moment, and — in honor of Latinx Heritage month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 — I’ve collected some quotes about sex from Latinx writers that are sure to leave you feeling all hot and bothered.
1. "Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they’re not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or — such is the pleasure they experience — they may never finish it." — Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes
2. "For women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time." ― Isabel Allende, Of Love and Shadows
3. "Nothing one does in bed is immoral if it helps perpetuate love." — Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
4. "Man heats up like a lightbulb: red hot in the twinkling of an eye and cold again in a flash. The female, on the other hand heats up like an iron. Slowly, over a low heat, like tasty stew. But then, once she has heated up, there’s no stopping her." — Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
5. "The first time Dre touched me without our clothes on, she kept running her hand from waist to hip. & I wanted to write Mamia thank-you text, for giving my body a spot that was made to nest Dre’s hand." — Elizabeth Acevedo, Clap When You Land
6. "When they both realized they were heartbroken enough to want the love torn from their rib cages, they touched each other with their hands and their mouths, and they forgot they wanted to be cured." — Anna-Marie McLemore, When the Moon Was Ours
7. "Because two bodies, naked and entwined, leap over time, they are invulnerable, nothing can touch them, they return to the source. There is no you, no I, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no names, the truth of two in a single body, a single soul, oh total being…" — Octavio Paz, Sunstone/Piedra De Sol
8. "Kiss by kiss I move across your small infinity, your borders, your rivers, your tiny villages, and the genital fire transformed into delight runs through the narrow pathways of the blood until it plunges down, like a dark carnation, until it is and is no more than a flash in the night." — Pablo Neruda, Selected Poems
9. "Love is a verb. One demonstrates one’s love through one’s actions. And a person can only feel loved when someone else shows their love with kisses, hugs, caresses, and gifts. A lover will always promote the physical and emotional well-being of the person he loves."― Laura Esquivel, Swift as Desire
10. "During sex, it is very difficult to deceive the other person because that is when each person shows who they really are."― Paulo Coelho, Brida
11. "The Church says: the body is a sin. Science says: the body is a machine. Advertising says: The body is a business. The Body says: I am a fiesta."― Eduardo Galeano, Walking Words
12. "I can hardly sleep with him just laying down in my bed. It’s like leaving out a piece of cake and expecting me not to eat it."― Zoraida Córdova, Love on the Ledge
13. "Love was lazy as hell. Love laid around in bed, warm from the sheets and the sunlight pouring into the room. Love was too lazy to get up to close the blinds. Love was too comfortable to get up and go pee. Love took too many naps, it watched TV, but not really, because it was too busy kissing and napping. Love was also funny, which somehow made the bed more comfortable, the laughter warming the sheets, softening the mattress and the lovers’ skin."― Adi Alsaid, Never Always Sometimes
14. "Erotic acts are instinctive; they fulfill a role in nature. The idea is familiar, but it is one that contains a paradox: there is nothing more natural than sexual desire; there is nothing less natural than the forms in which it is made manifest and satisfied." — Octavio Paz, The Double Flame: Love and Eroticism
15. "She tried to recall the cold, the silence, and that precious feeling of owning the world, of being twenty years old and having her whole life ahead of her, of making love slowly and calmly, drunk with the scent of the forest and their love, without a past, without suspecting the future, with just the incredible richness of that present moment in which they stared at each other, smelled each other, kissed each other, and explored each other’s bodies, wrapped in the whisper of the wind among the trees and the sound of the nearby waves breaking against the rocks at the foot of the cliff, exploding in a crash of pungent surf, and the two of them embracing underneath a single poncho like Siamese twins, laughing and swearing this night would last forever, that they were the only ones in the whole world who had discovered love." ― Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits
If these sexy quotes turned you on, then you should probably add these books to your TBR list.
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