Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for Wednesday, November 8


Any words of advice offered by someone in a position of authority will be well intended. The concern they show is sincere and they do want to help you. You may not want to hear their views or their opinions but to react in a negative way will make you look ungrateful.


A new hobby or off-duty interest will be more costly than you had anticipated. Even so, a project is shaping up beautifully and you don’t intend to give it up now. Confidence in your skills will draw the attention of some senior colleagues. They will like what they see.


Friends are supportive whereas your partner or a relative will have objections to your long-term plans. Despite the annoyance of a loved one you will be keen to accept an offer or invitation that you hadn’t expected to come your way. This is an opportunity you just don’t want to miss.


Responsibilities you take on now will be more important than anything you’ve ever done before. There is an air of confidentiality to your dealings and you will be taking these very seriously. Work you are doing behind the scenes will be exhausting but also rewarding.


Analyse situations carefully. Make a list of pros and cons before making important decisions. Take the advice of a professional who is successful in their field. A careful and practical approach is recommended in legal and financial affairs.


You are laying the foundations of a long-term project and you feel excited about the rewards and the challenges this is likely to bring. Decisions you are making will be life-changing and if all goes according to plan, your future looks like it could be incredible.


Be ready to drop everything and be there for them when someone in the family needs you. If you sense a loved one has something on their mind, encourage them to talk. An art project will benefit your community. You have skills that will be useful to this effort.


Someone’s stubborn attitude is starting to undermine your relationship. They can’t seem to recognise when to draw the line and a disagreement will build up out of all proportion. You might be asking yourself whether you really want to spend time with a person who is so resentful and judgemental.


Your resources are stretched to the limit. Your dilemma now is to decide which bills should be given priority. If an older relative offers you a loan, don’t be so proud that you turn this down. Their hope is to help reduce stress and make life a little easier for you.

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Try to look on problems as challenges to overcome. Don’t give up too easily. You might wish you hadn’t got involved in a group effort. On some occasions it is best to keep your thoughts to yourself. This will help you avoid arguments or embarrassment.


A situation that you once found pleasurable is now starting to bore you. It is becoming too predictable for your liking. You will feel happier gathering new experiences. The chance to study towards a new qualification will also appeal. An influential and charismatic person will soon be stepping into your life.


You are being expected to show your face at a party, celebration or community event. If you aren’t in the mood, you should not feel obliged to have to go. There are other things going on in your life now that need your attention. Get your priorities right.

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