Man Suffers From Really Huge Big Toe On TLC’s ‘My Feet Are Killing Me’

You don’t have to walk a mile in Brian Mills’ shoes to know he has a big problem: a giant big toe on his left foot.

Mills was born with the enlarged toe, which grew so big that the toe next to it had to be removed when he was 2 years old.

“After they took that one off, my big toe started growing significantly bigger,” he recalls in Thursday’s upcoming episode of the TLC series “My Feet Are Killing Me.”

Mills told podiatrist Dr. Ebonie Vincent that walking is a challenge.

“It feels like I’m walking on sandpaper and a lot of times, I start to tend to walk on the side of my foot and that causes a lot of pain on the other foot,” he said before taking off his shoe and displaying his giant toe.

Mills admitted that he fears his toe could be cancerous, which is why he hasn’t seen a doctor about it since he was a kid.

“The last time I saw a doctor about my toe I was 9 or 10 and they mentioned cutting off my big toe,” he said. “My mom was really opposed to that option so after that, we never pursued anything else for it.”

You can see how Vincent reacts to Mills’ gigantic toe in the clip above.


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