Paul Robinson and Estelle target Terese in cruel plot in Neighbours

Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) is suspicious when her mum comes to town, and rightly so. But even being on her guard won’t prepare her for what Estelle (Maria Mercedes) has in store in Neighbours.

Terese is coping with a lot right now, so Estelle’s arrival isn’t exactly timely. Add to that that Estelle comes with a secret – that she’s homeless and hasn’t told Terese – only adds to the discord. 

Having just about come to terms with her mum’s arrival and subsequent reveal of her lies, Terese is in for another shock when she finds Estelle having a cosy chat over drinks with Paul (Stefan Dennis), AKA Terese’s current sworn enemy.

The man who broke her heart and wants to take her to the cleaners. Naturally, T loses it. She threatens to kick her mum out, but Estelle begs for another chance. Terese somehow swallows her anger and agrees, but lays down the law that there’ll be no more boozing with Paul. 

Estelle agrees, but her agenda says otherwise. She and Paul have something in common, they both plan on using Terese for their own gain.

So, if Terese thinks she’s tamed her mother, she’s terribly wrong – Estelle surpasses herself by flirting with a freshly discharged Glen (Richard Huggett), who is still recovering from his accident. Terese is disgusted, but things go from bad to worse – in an actual WTF moment, things escalate when she finds Estelle on a date with Paul.

Terese is enraged and tears strips off the pair, but Estelle manipulates her daughter by insisting she’s only there to spy on her former son-in-law. Terese’s head is in a spin and has no idea which way is up, so she takes her mum’s word and they go to see Josh’s plaque. It seems to have the desired effect – they share a moment of bonding.

This annoys Paul – he thought he’d found an ally in bringing Terese down. Not ready to give up, he tries to sway Estelle back to his camp with a gorgeous bracelet, and let’s just say she’s sway-able.

She initially tries to refuse, but in the end, jewels win over her morals. This causes the mother of all rows with Terese when she finds out and the result is Estelle hot-footing it over to Pauls…

Neighbours airs these scenes w/c Monday May 30 on Channel 5.

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