Zara Blackhurst transforms four-year-old into pageant queen

Mother has spent £4,000 on gowns, hair styling and make-up for her pageant queen daughter, 4, who has cystic fibrosis – and insists it helps her ‘live for the moment’ despite her illness

  • Zara Blackhurst, 24, from Scotland, kitted out Jessica Miller, 4, in £4k of outfits
  • Jessica first stepped foot on the stage at the age of three and has won titles
  • She has cystic fibrosis and her mum says she wants her to live for the moment 
  • Zara says the outfits don’t sexualise her and are less revealing than dance outfits

A mother has forked out £4,000 transforming her pre-school daughter into a  beauty pageant queen – as her life-limiting disease means she wants to live for the moment.

Zara Blackhurst, 24, from Dalkeith, Scotland, has kitted out four-year-old Jessica Miller in custom-made gowns, jewellery and regularly gets her hair styled – in addition to travelling thousands of miles to competitions across Britain.

Little Jessica first stepped foot on the stage at the tender age of three, and according to her mother the limelight-loving tot now regularly refuses to come off stage.

Mum-of-two Zara and partner Keith Atkins, 31, are so dedicated to supporting Jessica’s passion they didn’t go on holiday this summer, instead choosing to channel their cash into her pageant pot.

After scooping titles in age category 0-3, Jessica, who has genetic disorder cystic fibrosis, is now eyeing up her next competition – the Galaxy Ireland competition in 2020.

Zara Blackhurst, 24, from Dalkeith, Scotland, has kitted out four-year-old Jessica Miller in custom-made gowns, jewellery and regularly gets her hair styled – in addition to travelling thousands of miles to competitions across Britain

Little Jessica first stepped foot on the stage at the tender age of three, and according to her mother the limelight-loving tot now regularly refuses to come off stage

Zara said: ‘Jessica shines on that stage and loves every minute of competing in beauty pageants.

‘She doesn’t want to come off stage most of the time – we struggle to get her to come down.

‘Competing in beauty pageants is just a hobby – just like dancing, football or rugby – when I see her up on that stage living life to the full I’m so proud, it makes me really emotional.’

The Tiny Miss Galaxy first got a taste of the limelight when full-time mum Zara, entered her into a charity competition eight months ago.

After scooping titles in age category 0-3, Jessica, who has genetic disorder cystic fibrosis, is now eyeing up her next competition – the Galaxy Ireland competition in 2020

Jessica is seen wearing a Toy Story Jessie costume during a beauty pageant 

Zara said: ‘Jessica did her first pageant when she was just three years old.

‘It was really emotional seeing her up there on that stage and my heart was beating really fast, it makes my eyes well up thinking about it even now.

‘I was in two minds about her doing it at first as the only thing I knew about pageants was from what I’d seen on TV – programmes like Toddlers and Tiaras.

‘In shows like that you don’t see all of the great work going on behind the scenes and all the charity fundraising that they do.’

She remembered: ‘We went along to the charity pageant that a friend told me about and Jessica absolutely loved it.

Jessica, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, is pictured with her arm bandaged where she had a drip put in

Jessica Miller, four, is seen on a nebulise, a drug delivery device used to administer medication in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs

‘One of my pageant mum friends gave her a crash course on what to do and how to pose before she took part.

‘She got up on stage by herself and took to it like a natural, so then we kept an eye out for title pageants to compete in.

‘Jessica absolutely adores them and is always asking when the next one is.’

Jessica competes in beauty and fashion rounds and due to her tender age, Zara only applies a minimal amount of make-up and doesn’t use fake tan.

Zara, who is also mum to one-year-old Brooklynn Atkins, said: ‘Jessica has a dress obsession and she loves sitting in the chair getting her hair curled and being pampered.

Mum-of-two Zara and partner Keith Atkins, 31, are so dedicated to supporting Jessica’s passion they didn’t go on holiday this summer, instead choosing to channel their cash into her pageant pot. They are seen with their second daughter Brooklynn

Pageant lover Jessica is seen with her one-year-old sister Brooklynn Atkins

‘Because of her age I don’t put much make-up on her and she only wears clip-on earrings as she doesn’t have pierced ears.

‘In the beauty rounds she walks across the stage doing her ‘princess’ walk and the fashion round is a generally faster walk that’s quite sassy, which shows off her personality.

‘She’s more into her sassy round as she loves her fashion.

‘As soon as she steps off stage she’s always saying how much fun she’s had and either wins or gets a top place in her age category.’

Despite spending a small fortune on Jessica’s pageant hobby, Zara insists that it’s not all about appearances.

Despite spending a small fortune on Jessica’s pageant hobby, Zara insists that it’s not all about appearances

Proud mum Zara said that the pageants have boosted Jessica’s confidence and give her the opportunity to have fun and raise charity cash, while dealing with her life-limiting condition

Proud mum Zara said that the pageants have boosted Jessica’s confidence and give her the opportunity to have fun and raise charity cash, while dealing with her life-limiting condition.

Zara said: ‘Jessica looks just like a normal four-year-old and like nothing is wrong with her as she doesn’t need an oxygen mask.

‘However she suffers from cystic fibrosis, which can cause her to be ill a lot.

‘Even when Jessica is having a hard day she battles through it and is always smiling despite needing physio twice and day and needing to take medicine as her pancreas doesn’t work.

‘I want Jessica to live for the moment and do what she loves, I couldn’t be more proud of her.

‘It’s rare she has a weekend off doing charity work, including bag packing and selling cakes, and has raised £1,500 so far.

Jessica is seen with her Tiny Miss Galaxy award after getting a taste for beauty pageant

The Tiny Miss Galaxy first got a taste of the limelight when full-time mum Zara, entered her into a charity competition eight months ago

Dedicated Zara has hit back at critics who claim that pageants sexualise children, claiming the outfits Jessica wears are modest and proper

‘She’s also gained lots of confidence. She loves being on that stage and in front of the camera and is really proud of herself after taking part.

‘For a four-year-old to have that confidence now, can you imagine what she’s going to be capable of as an adult? How many lives she will change then?’

Dedicated Zara has hit back at critics who claim that pageants sexualise children, claiming the outfits Jessica wears are modest and proper.

Zara said: ‘I don’t look at pageants in the way some other people do.

‘Jessica loves dressing up and going on stage, but it’s not just about what she’s wearing it’s about what she’s doing.


  •  Hotel stays £1,000
  • Custom made dresses £850
  • Cowgirl Jessica outfit £150
  • Fuel – £850
  • Pageant entry £675
  • Charity fundraiser tickets for the family £275
  • Hair styling £190
  • Jewellery £60
  • Shoes £100

TOTAL – £4,150

‘The dresses Jessica wears reach the floor – it’s just like wearing a dress to a wedding or an outfit to a Christmas party.

‘I’ve seen children wear less when they go to dance lessons, so the idea that pageants are sexualising children just isn’t true. I don’t see what she wears as a problem.’

Devoted mum Zara conceded she’s spent a lot on pageants but claims it’s an investment and money well spent to ensure Jessica has a smile on her face.

Jessica’s stepfather, road worker Keith, acts as chauffeur regularly ferrying the family up and down the country on 700-mile round trips to pageants.

Zara said: ‘In eight months we’ve spent £4,000 on eight pageants, that includes travel, hotel stays, pageant entries and custom-made gowns.

‘When you add it all up it’s a shocking amount as you don’t realise what you’re spending, but I see it as an investment.

‘That same amount of money could easily be spent on dancing or football fees – it’s just paying for a hobby.

‘We’ve not been on holiday this summer, but Jessica thinks because she’s in a hotel that she gets to go on many holidays and compete in a pageant at the same time – so it’s a win-win situation for her.

‘Taking part in pageants is an adventure for Jessica that makes her so happy – when she’s happy that makes me happy.

‘Until she says she doesn’t want to do it anymore, I’ll continue to support her in doing pageants or whatever else she would love to do.’



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