Johnny Depp special video message to fans on last night of tour after Amber Heard victory

The Pirates of the Caribbean hadn’t even waited in the US for the outcome of the defamation and counter-defamation court case with Heard. Instead, he jetted over to the UK to jump on stage with friend and musician Jeff Beck as a special guest on the UK leg on his current tour, which wrapped up in York last night. Depp spent time with fans after the show before his security had to pull him away, but he also posted a direct message to all his supporters. SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH THE FULL JOHNNY DEPP THANK YOU VIDEO PLUS FOOTAGE OF THE STAR GREETING FANS AFTER THE YORK CONCERT

The star posted the video on Tik Tok, his first ever on the video-sharing platform where he has amassed over 9.2million followers in just a few days.

He said: “To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We’ve been everywhere together, we have seen everything together. We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared. And now, we will all move forward together. You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD.”

The post, which was also shared on his Facebook account, has been flooded with thousands of comments from fans and supporters. 

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One said: “Thank you for being you Johnny…God Bless You and your precious children!!! You spoke truth even though it was painful at times…and you are loved and respected more then ever!!!!!”

Another commented: “Always will, and always have, our( the worlds ) love and utmost respect . Best wishes,  and be finally free, and happy in yourself!”

A third comment added: “You are an inspiration to so many! Thank you, a thousand times over for speaking your truth and telling your story. It’s finally time to find peace and enjoy your life again! We love you, Johnny.”


To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We’ve been everywhere together, we have seen everything together. We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared. And now, we will all move forward together. You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD

♬ Stranger – Love Joys

Ex-wife Heard released a statement in response to Depp’s thank-you video saying: “As Johnny Depp says he’s ‘moving forward,’ women’s rights are moving backward. The verdict’s message to victims of domestic violence is… be afraid to stand up and speak out.”

Before the York concert, Depp waved to fans (clutching a mug) before he was hustled away by his security. He took time after the show to sign some autographs and talk to some of the gathered supporters. Watch the footage of Depp leaving the concert below. 

The star has appeared at every UK show of Beck’s tour so far and has performed a number of tracks including Jimi Hendrix’s Little Wing, John Lennon’s Isolation, Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On and the Beatles’ A Day in the Life. 

The pair have also already announced another major new project together.

During the June 2 show in Gateshead, Beck told the crowd: “I met this guy five years ago and we’ve never stopped laughing since. We actually made an album. I don’t know how it happened. It will be out in July.”

Beck’s tour will now move across to the Continent, where it will wrap up on July 25 in Paris –  but it is not yet known whether Depp will continue to join him on stage.


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