Johnny Vegas shares tribute as mum Patricia dies in sleep

Comedian Johnny Vegas has shared the sad news that his mother Patricia Pennington has died.

The 49-year-old previously said that his mum had been discharged from St Helens' Whiston Hospital back on November 13.

Patricia, who had three other children, had major surgery in the first week of November.

At this time, it is not known what the surgery was for.

However Johnny took to Twitter today with the news that Patricia had died, sharing a loving tribute in the process.

The Benidorm star said: "With a kind of deep regret that I'm still incapable of processing, I have to confirm that Ma Vegas, Patricia, passed away last Sunday, peacefully in her sleep.

"To say she was a bit of a character would be too huge an underestimation.

"As a mum I dare to argue I had the best."

Johnny – born Michael Pennington – shared a photo of his beloved mum, smiling wide as she held her pet dog.

Alongside this was a framed hand-written note addressed to him as Michael, from his mum and dad, Lawrence.

It read: "Dear Michael, lots of love and kisses, Mum.

"Look after yourself. If you get short of money please come back home. God bless, Mum and Dad."

Plenty of Johnny's Twitter followers shared their condolences under his tweet.

One said: "So sorry mate, what a beautiful person and such a wonderful character. Thinking of you and your family at this awful time."

Another wrote: "She would have been so proud of you Michael, that's all a child can do is make your parents proud."

Johnny is the youngest of his three siblings – Robert, Mark and Catharine.

The family lived in St Helens, Lancashire, and raised Johnny and his brothers and sisters as Roman Catholics.

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