Danger for Ruby in Corrie as she leaves sinister Hope enraged

Hope Dobbs (Isabella Flanagan) may be only young, but she has one of the most fearsome reputations in Coronation Street.

It may be because of her genes – she is, after all, the child of John Stape (Graeme Hawley), one of Corrie’s most notorious villains – but Hope has been trouble since almost before she learned to walk. If we’re being fair we’d say that she struggles to deal with her emotions, but her behaviour can often be quite extreme – and quite frightening.

Previously she’s set fire to the flat above the salon in a bid to get rid of her stepdad Tyrone (Alan Halsall)’s love interest Alina (Ruxandra Porojnicu). When she discovered the truth about Fiz (Jennie McAlpine)’s former fiancé Phill (Jamie Kenna) she hijacked a digger and destroyed the windscreen of his lovely Audi.

And who could forget the time she ‘bit’ herself with a stuffed weasel as part of a revenge plan against Beth (Lisa George)’s dog?

Hope is certainly not someone to be messed with and possibly nobody knows this more than her sister Ruby who has had a front row seat for a lot of Hope’s more extreme behaviour.

You’d think Ruby would know not to get on the wrong side of her sister, but when she gets her time to shine in upcoming episodes she seizes the moment, regardless of how Hope is likely to react.

The scenario is the Little Big Shotz summer spectacular. Hope has always been proud of her performance skills and she practises her solo in front of Ruby, quite confident that she’s going to land the lead role.

Imagine her disappointment, then, when Glenda (Jodie Prenger) announces that it’s Ruby, not Hope, who’ll be taking the lead in the production. Hope is relegated to being one of her sister’s backing singers alongside Eliza (Savannah Kunyo).

While it’s a proud moment for Ruby, Hope is absolutely seething at being denied the limelight.

What lengths could she go to to sabotage her sister?

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