It seems the Game of Thrones series could have taken a very different turn after the original book outline George RR Martin sent to publishers back in 1993 revealed that Jon Snow (played by Kit Harington) would have had an affair with his sister Arya Stark (Maisie Williams). According to the book outline, the romance caused quite the controversy with Jon being her half brother and sworn to celibacy as a man of the Night’s watch.
The scrapped storyline revealed that Jon Snow would succeed his uncle as the commander of the Night’s Watch, and the pair will fall in love after the family seek refuge at the wall.
The outline reads: “When Winterfell burns, Catelyn Stark will be forced to flee north with her son Bran and her daughter Arya.
“Wounded by Lannister riders, they will seek refuge at the Wall, but the men of the Night’s Watch give up their families when they take the black, and Jon and Benjen will not be able to help, to Jon’s anguish.”
This is said to leave bad blood between Jon and Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright).
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However, Arya is more forgiving of her brother.
The author continued: ”Arya will be more forgiving… until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night’s Watch, sworn to celibacy.
“Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon’s true parentage is finally revealed in the last book.”
Not only does this reveal a major forbidden romance, but that the revelation of Jon’s parentage was planned all along.
It is likely that Jon’s parents would have still been Rhaegar Targaryen (Wilf Scolding) and Lyanna Stark (Aisling Franciosi).
Therefore, the two would be cousins rather than half siblings.
However, the storyline is still unimaginable to fans of the series, who have long enjoyed the sibling bond.
However, the original plot revealed that Jon wasn’t the only one after Arya.
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The axed plot also revealed that Tyrion Lannister (played by Peter Dinklage) was in love with Arya, causing a deadly conflict with Jon.
The notes read: “Tyrion Lannister will continue to travel, to plot, and to play the game of thrones, finally removing his nephew Joffrey in disgust at the boy king’s brutality,”
“Exiled, Tyrion will change sides, making common cause with the surviving Starks to bring his brother down, and falling helplessly in love with Arya Stark while he’s at it.”
However, it seems the romance was never meant to be as the writer also revealed Arya didn’t feel the same way.
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It added: “His passion is, alas, unreciprocated, but no less intense for that.”
He also noted how this “will lead to a deadly rivalry between Tyrion and Jon Snow”.
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Fans were sent into a frenzy over the shock alternative ending, but bosses insist the alternate ending would never have made it to screens.
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