His Dark Materials: Who are Lyra’s real mother and father?

His Dark Materials is the BBC and HBO’s new fantasy adaptation of Philip Pullman’s trilogy of the same name. The second episode of the series aired tonight (Sunday November 10) and featured some big revelations about Lyra Belacqua’s (played by Dafne Keen) parentage. But who are her real mother and father in the TV series?

Who are Lyra’s real mother and father in His Dark Materials?

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for episode 2 and Philip Pullman’s novels

His Dark Materials episode two aired tonight on BBC One with the second episode of the fantasy series.

Following Lyra as she arrived in London with Mrs Coulter (Ruth Wilson), the latest outing was full of reveals.

The biggest was the announcement Lord Asriel (James McAvoy) was Lyra’s real father.

So far in the show, viewers were under the impression Asriel was just her uncle.

This was hinted to in the first episode when Lyra asked him how her parents died.

In the scene, she asked him if her parents died in a ship similar to the one he was on.

Asriel replied visibly distressed: “No, it was smaller.”

However, in episode two of the series, Lyra had an enlightening conversation with Coulter.

The pair argued before Coulter set her daemon on Lyra’s in a brutal moment.

When Lyra confronted her and said her uncle would not let her treat her in this cruel way, the truth came out.

Coulter said: “When has that man ever done anything for you?

“He’s done nothing, he’s a failure of a man and a failure of a father.”

Realising she has revealed the truth, Lyra was shocked to learn he had lied to her.

Coulter added: “I never understood why he kept up that ridiculous pretence.”

However, when Lyra asked who her mother is, she dismissed her and said it could have been anyone.

Who her mother is not revealed in the episode but fans of the books will know who she really is.

This is a big spoiler for future episodes of the series, so if you haven’t read the novels, look away now.

Lyra’s mother is in fact Marisa Coulter who conceived her when she has an affair with Asriel.

In the books, she learned the truth while she was in the care of the Gyptians of Eastern Anglia.

After this, it was revealed Coulter had spent a long time looking for the young girl.

This is likely to be explored in future episodes of the series, which are currently airing weekly on Sunday evenings.

His Dark Materials airs weekly on Sunday evenings at 8pm on BBC One.

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