Who Wants To Be a Millionaire fans were left swooning over the 'beautiful' Mainga tonight as she managed to win major cash.
She answered question after question correctly before bagging an astounding £64,000 with a lucky coincidence.
Her £64k question was asking which company Penguin merged with in 2013.
Mainga knew the correct answer was Random House as she used to work there and was even there when the two companies merged.
Viewers were thrilled for the player and showered her with compliments during her stint on the ITV show.
One viewer gushed: "Oh wow, she's so pretty".
While another wrote: "Mainga is beautiful and I was totally rooting for her to win. I think I'm in love with her".
A third added: "Who is this beautiful queen on Millionaire?"
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- Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
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