Donald Trump, aka Covita, appeared on one of the White House balconies yesterday afternoon for a political rally. This, again, is a violation of the Hatch Act. No president can throw political rallies at the White House or any federal building. The reason why Trump threw himself a Nazi rally at the All-White House was because he is desperate to get back to campaigning. The problem is that he’s likely still testing positive for the coronavirus and he’s likely still shedding the virus, meaning he’s infectious.
The NY Times made a big deal about how the Nazi rally was “uncharacteristically brief.” His staff said he could speak for 30 minutes, which often means he will riff and bluster and lie for 60-plus minutes. But he ended up speaking for 18 minutes. Probably because he was out of breath. He stepped out onto the balcony wearing a mask but he quickly took it off. The hundreds of people gathered on the White House lawn were mostly unmasked as well, although they were tested before they entered the White House complex. Allegedly. Apparently, 2000 invites were sent out but they only got a few hundred people there, and most of the people were actually in DC for Candace Owens’ “Blexit” rally. The Blexit organization (meaning, white guys) paid for travel and lodging for most of the people in attendance at the Blexit rally AND the White House rally. Meaning these dumbasses were paid to be there.
Meanwhile, this part of the NY Times article was chilling:
For days, Mr. Trump has been pressing advisers to let him resume campaigning, and the White House event on Saturday was a compromise from advisers who wanted to delay the president’s re-entry on the campaign trail.
The gathering was also the latest effort by the president to show he was not as sick as news outlets, including The New York Times, reported last weekend, when he was said to have been administered supplemental oxygen. In a Fox News interview on Friday night, Mr. Trump denied that he had experienced any trouble breathing and said he was no longer taking any medications.
In several phone calls last weekend from the presidential suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Mr. Trump shared an idea he was considering: When he left the hospital, he wanted to appear frail at first when people saw him, according to people with knowledge of the conversations. But underneath his button-down dress shirt, he would wear a Superman T-shirt, which he would reveal as a symbol of strength when he ripped open the top layer. He ultimately did not go ahead with the stunt.
[From The NY Times]
You know why I find this chilling? Because he’s a sick, demented old Nazi and everyone just kind of shrugs and says “actually let’s not find a Superman t-shirt right at the moment, sir.” No one will look at this crazy f–ker and say “you are an unhinged nutjob and I quit.”
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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