Is Gwyneth Paltrow Really Vegan?

For many people, Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the great Hollywood success stories. The Oscar-winning actress turned lifestyle guru has risen to the ranks of Martha Stewart with her website Goop, which features recipes, products, and healthy living tips all curated by Paltrow herself.

While Paltrow has definitely received some criticism for her occasionally out-there ideas and products, there are many who praise Paltrow’s way of life as a cleaner and altogether healthier path to wellness. Read on to discover what Gwyneth Paltrow really eats in a day and how she stays in such killer shape.

What is ‘Goop’ about?

Gwyneth Paltrow was a successful actress, who had appeared in films like Emma and Shakespeare in Love when she decided to pursue her other passion, health and wellness.

That passion led to Paltrow founding Goop in 2008. Initially, Goop was a simple newsletter that featured a note from Paltrow in each edition. Gradually, it expanded into a large-scale website offering lifestyle advice and a whole range of products to cater to nearly every philosophy. 

While Paltrow has been praised for her entrepreneurial spirit and for leading the way for other celebrities to get involved in business ventures, Goop itself has been the target of a lot of controversy over the years.

Most notably, the scientific community has taken issue with Goop for some of the product claims that seem to have no basis in scientific fact. Goop has also been sued for false advertising in the past.

Still, Goop continues to thrive and for a large community of fans, the products and tips that the site offers hold the keys to a longer, healthier life.

What does Paltrow really eat?

Gwyneth Paltrow definitely practices what she preaches, and follows a very strict diet that focuses on health from the inside out. While Paltrow formerly followed an almost exclusively vegan diet, these days, she doesn’t stick to any one particular eating plan.

She recently stated that she’s “not a good dieter” and doesn’t like to rule out any one type of food. That doesn’t mean that Paltrow is chowing down on burgers and fries on a daily basis — her meals include light, fresh ingredients.

Paltrow prefers a simple smoothie for breakfast, usually with almond milk, coconut oil, and “Moon Juice dust” from, where else, Goop. For lunch, she avoids fast foods and highly processed options, opting for stir fry or other vegetable or even chicken-based dishes.

Paltrow admits that she is less strict with herself when it comes to dinner, and often eats more indulgently, favoring baguettes with cheese or maybe even some fries. 

Even if Paltrow doesn’t fully commit to the vegan philosophy, she does enjoy eating vegan dishes from time to time. Recently, Paltrow shared some favorite vegan lunch options on Goop, tasty treats like a veggie BLAT sandwich and “un-Caesar” salad. 

How often does Paltrow exercise?

When it comes to working out, Paltrow is a creature of habit. For years, Paltrow has followed the Tracy Anderson Method, a workout plan that focuses on repetitive, high-rep movements.

Paltrow and Anderson started working out together in 2006 and ever since, Paltrow has been singing the plan’s praises. Paltrow recently stated that while she doesn’t exercise every day, for her, a good balance is about five days a week, and she isn’t too hard on herself if she’s on vacation. 

While living a lifestyle like Paltrow’s might not be for everyone, her underlying philosophies seem solid — eat healthy foods, don’t deprive yourself of the things that you love, and work up a good sweat a few times a week. 

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