William pledges to ‘serve Welsh people with humility’ in first statement as Prince of Wales

William has pledged to "serve Welsh people with humility" in his first statement as Prince of Wales.

He spoke to Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford by phone on Sunday, vowing to serve the Welsh people with “humility and great respect” alongside his wife the Princess of Wales.

A statement from Kensington Palace said: “His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and the First Minister of Wales spoke by telephone earlier today.

“HRH thanked the First Minister for his fitting tribute, on behalf of the people of Wales, to Her Majesty The Queen.

“HRH expressed his and The Princess of Wales’s honour in being asked by His Majesty The King to serve the Welsh people. They will do so with humility and great respect.

“The Prince acknowledged his and the Princess’s deep affection for Wales, having made their first family home in Anglesey including during the earliest months of Prince George’s life.

“The Prince and Princess will spend the months and years ahead deepening their relationship with communities across Wales.
“They want to do their part to support the aspirations of the Welsh people and to shine a spotlight on both the challenges and opportunities in front of them.

“The Prince and Princess look forward to celebrating Wales’s proud history and traditions as well as a future that is full of promise.

“They will seek to live up to the proud contribution that members of the Royal family have made in years past.

“TRHs look forward to travelling to Wales very soon, and to meeting the First Minister and other leaders at the earliest opportunity.”

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