Afghan War Casualty Report: July 5-11

The following report compiles all significant security incidents confirmed by New York Times reporters throughout Afghanistan from the past seven days. It is necessarily incomplete as many local officials refuse to confirm casualty information. The report includes government claims of insurgent casualty figures, but in most cases these cannot be independently verified by The Times. Similarly, the reports do not include Taliban claims for their attacks on the government unless they can be verified. Both sides routinely inflate casualty totals for their opponents.

At least 143 pro-government forces and 52 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during another bloody week of fighting amid ongoing peace talks in Doha. The deadliest attack took place in Kunduz Province, where the Taliban attacked two military bases and several security outposts in Imam Sahib District, capturing one base and three security outposts in seven hours of fighting. At least 20 members of the security forces were killed, 15 were wounded and another 10 were taken prisoner. On Sunday, a Taliban car bomb killed 12 people in Ghazni City. Nearly 200 people were also wounded in the explosion, including more than 100 children.

[Read the Afghan War Casualty Report from previous weeks.]

July 11 Sar-i-Pul Province: three civilians killed

Three farmers were killed by a Taliban rocket when they refused to pay taxes to the Taliban in the village of Korak-e-Mughul in Sar-i-Pul City, the provincial capital. The Taliban also burned their crops.

July 11 Zabul Province: one police officer killed

A roadside bomb hit a police motorcycle in Sharisafa District, killing one police officer and wounding another.

July 10 Samangan Province: one pro-government militia member killed

The Taliban ambushed pro-government militia members in the village of Gola in Dara-i-Suf Payin District, killing one of their commanders.

July 10 Ghor Province: three civilians killed

A woman and two men were killed when a roadside bomb hit their motorcycle in Zataly village of Firozkoh, the provincial capital. The bomb was placed by the Taliban.

July 10 Nangarhar Province: two civilians killed

Two employees of the provincial court were shot and killed by unknown gunmen in Jalalabad City’s Fourth Police District. They both were attacked while heading to work; the attackers were able to flee from the area.

July 10 Badakhshan Province: two police officers killed

The Taliban attacked a police checkpoint in Argo District, where clashes continued for five hours. Two police officers were killed and three others were wounded in the battle. The Taliban captured the checkpoint, but it was retaken shortly thereafter when reinforcements arrived.

July 9 Kunduz Province: 20 security forces killed

The Taliban attacked two military bases and security outposts in Imam Sahib District, capturing one of the bases and three security outposts over seven hours of fighting. Six members of border forces and three police officers were killed; eight members of border forces and seven police officers were wounded. Ten members of border forces were taken prisoners by the insurgents. Casualties only increased when reinforcements were ambushed by the Taliban, killing an additional 11 soldiers.

July 9 Baghlan Province: seven civilians killed

After the Taliban attacked a military base in the Bala Dori area of Pul-i-Kumri City, the provincial capital, air support was called in by forces on the ground. A house located three miles away from the battlefield was bombed, killing seven civilians from the same family, women and children among them, according to local officials and the relatives of those killed. It was not clear whether the airstrike was carried out by American or Afghan air power.

July 9 Ghor Province: six security forces killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in Tulak District, where fighting continued for six hours. Four soldiers and two police officers were killed. Local authorities claimed that an additional 15 Taliban fighters were killed in the battle.

July 9 Zabul Province: 13 police officers killed

The Taliban attacked police outposts in the center of Shajoe District, capturing several outposts and the district bazaar. The police headquarters and district governor office remained in the government control. At least 13 police officers were killed and seven others were wounded in the battle. With the district on the verge of collapse, local officials asked for backup.

July 9 Helmand Province: one civilian killed

In Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital, a bomb placed in a private health facility exploded, killing one civilian doctor and wounding two other civilians. No one claimed responsibility for the explosion.

July 9 Helmand Province: one police officer killed

One police officer was killed in a bombing in the Urdogh area of Khakrez District.

July 9 Balkh Province: one police officer killed

The Taliban attacked a police checkpoint that had been providing security for a hospital in Dawlat Abad District, killing one police officer and wounding another. The attackers were equipped with night-vision goggles.

July 9 Jowzjan Province: two police officers killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in Faizabad District, killing two police officers and wounding three others in five hours of fighting. The Taliban were eventually pushed back by security forces.

July 9 Wardak Province: four civilians killed

Four doctors were killed and the head of the hospital went missing during a night raid by Afghan commandos on a hospital in Daymirdad District. The hospital was targeted by an airstrike. Local authorities claimed that a high ranking Taliban member was killed.

July 9 Ghor Province: four security forces killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in the Tahab village of Tulak District, killing two soldiers and two police officers. Afghan forces carried out an operation in the area after the attack. Local authorities claimed that Mullah Zarif, a Taliban Red Unit commander, and nine Taliban fighters were killed. Nine others were wounded, while three fighters were arrested in the operation.

July 8 Kunduz Province: one police officer killed

One police officer was killed and four others were wounded in an insider attack in the village of Qurghan in Imam Sahib District. The attacker joined the insurgency thereafter.

July 8 Baghlan Province: three police officers killed

The Taliban attacked two military bases belonging to reserve units of police in Pul-i-Kumri City’s Second Police District, where fighting continued for eight hours. One of the military bases was overrun by insurgents, and three police officers were killed. Additionally, seven police officers were wounded and four Humvees were destroyed. On the second military base the Taliban were pushed back by security forces, but four police officers were wounded and three Humvees were destroyed.

July 8 Sar-i-Pul Province: two pro-government militia members killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in the Aab-e-Kalan area of Sancharak District, capturing one of the outposts and killing two pro-government militia members. Local authorities claimed that four Taliban members were killed and that the outpost was later recaptured by security forces.

July 8 Ghazni Province: two police officers killed

A roadside bomb killed two police officers who were patrolling on foot in Andar District.

July 7 Baghlan Province: one police officer killed

The Taliban attacked a group of local police officers in Baghlan-e-Markazi District, killing one and wounding three others.

July 7 Balkh Province: one pro-government militia member killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in the Lashkar Qaq area of Charkint District, capturing two outposts over three hours of fighting. One pro-government militia member was killed and two others were wounded. The outposts were later recaptured.

July 7 Ghazni Province: 12 people killed and 179 wounded

A car bomb killed 12 people and wounded 197 in Ghazni City, the provincial capital. Most of those wounded are civilians, including more than a hundred children. Officials did not provide a breakdown of casualties.

July 7 Badghis Province: One member of the security forces killed

One member of the Afghan Public Protection Force, part of the Ministry of Interior, was killed in a Taliban sniper attack in the Tagab-e-Ismail area of Qalay-e-Now, the provincial capital. The unit was on the Qaisar-Laman highway patrolling the area.

July 7 Logar Province: three police officers killed

A group of Taliban soldiers attacked Ali Sina, a police commander, who was doing routine patrol in the Shash Kala area of Pul-i-Alam, the provincial capital. Three police officers, including Sina, were killed

July 7 Ghor Province: seven children killed

Seven children, all related, were killed when unexploded rockets left over from clashes between the Taliban and government forces went off in Dawlatyar District. These children were heading back home from sheepherding when they saw the rocket and started investigating it, at which point it detonated.

July 7 Kandahar Province: one police officer killed

The Taliban attacked a security outpost in the Duaab area of Panjwai District, killing one police officer and wounding two others.

July 6 Faryab Province: two commandos killed

The Taliban hit a Humvee of Afghan commandos with a rocket in Pashton Kot District, killing two members of a commando unit and wounding three others.

July 6 Sar-i-Pul Province: one police officer killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts of local police and pro-government militia members in the Aab-E-Kalan area of Sancharak District, where clashes continued for nearly four hours. The Taliban were eventually pushed back after one local police officer was killed and another was wounded.

July 6 Kandahar Province: two police officers killed

The Taliban attacked a police outpost in the Shirghi area of Khakrez District, killing two police officers and wounding two others. Local authorities claimed that six Taliban fighters were killed and eight others were wounded.

July 6 Kandahar Province: 10 police officers killed

The Taliban attacked the district governor’s office and police headquarters in Maruf District for the second time in recent days, killing at least 10 police officers and wounding dozens of others. The Taliban were pushed back and local authorities, without providing exact figures, claimed that insurgents suffered heavy casualties.

July 6 Herat Province: nine security forces killed

Four police officers and five pro-government militia members were killed in a Taliban attack in Karukh District. Another two officers and five militia members were wounded.

July 6 Ghor Province: one civilian killed

A doctor was killed by unknown gunmen in the Alandar area of Firozkoh, the provincial capital, while he was on his way to work.

July 6 Ghor Province: two pro-government militia members killed

The Taliban attacked a security outpost in the village of Loka Mazar in Dawlatyar District, killing two pro-government militia members. Local authorities claimed that five insurgents were also killed in the clash, which continued for three hours.

July 6 Kabul Province: one prosecutor killed

In Kabul City’s Fifth Police District, unidentified gunmen shot two prosecutors working for the Ministry of the Interior’s major crimes task force, killing one of them and seriously injuring the other.

July 5 Nangarhar Province: two N.D.S. members killed

A roadside bomb hit a vehicle belonging to the National Directorate of Security, Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, in the Eighth Police District of Jalalabad City, the provincial capital. Two members of the directorate were killed and two others were wounded. Four civilians were also wounded in the explosion.

July 5 Herat Province: six members of the security forces killed

Six members of Afghan Public Protection Force were killed and six others were taken prisoner in the Tabol area of Ghoriyan District after the Taliban attacked their outpost.

July 5 Ghazni Province: two civilians killed

A blast inside a Shiite mosque in Ghazni City, the provincial capital, killed two worshipers and wounded 25 others. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid denied responsibility for this attack.

July 5 Paktika Province: 11 soldiers and one police officer killed

A Taliban-affiliated group attacked an outpost of border forces in the Sarwandi area of Wazi Khwa District, killing 11 soldiers and one police officer. Local authorities claimed that the Taliban also suffered casualties during the clash.

July 5 Kunduz Province: a civilian killed

Abdul Qayyum Ansari, a Shiite religious scholar, was killed by the Taliban in the village of Balochha in Kunduz City, the provincial capital.

July 5 Baghlan Province: four security forces killed

The Taliban attacked a military base and a security checkpoint in Pul-i-Kumri City, the provincial capital, killing four police officers and wounding seven others. Four police officers were taken prisoner by the Taliban.

July 5 Badghis Province: six security forces killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in the Jwand District, killing five soldiers and one police officer. Four additional police officers were wounded in the clash.

July 5 Faryab Province: nine civilians killed

The Taliban attacked the center of the Khwaja Sabz Posh District with mortar shells, two of which landed in a local bazaar. Nine civilians were killed and 33 others, including children, were wounded.

July 5 Farah Province: four police killed

The Taliban attacked a police outpost in Farah City, the provincial capital, killing four police officers and wounding two others. Local authorities claimed that two Taliban fighters were killed and another two were wounded in the clashes.

July 5 Herat Province: 10 security forces killed

Ten soldiers were killed and six others were taken prisoner in the Taliban attack on an outpost in the Pashtun Zarghun District. The Taliban burned down a Humvee and police truck and seized another Humvee.

July 5 Kandahar Province: six police officers killed

The Taliban attacked police outposts in Maiwand District, where fighting continued for an hour. Six police officers were killed and another was wounded in the clash. Local authorities claimed that 17 Taliban fighters were killed and 12 others were wounded.

Reporting was contributed by the following New York Times reporters: Jawad Sukhanyar from Kabul, Najim Rahim from Mazar-e-Sharif, Taimoor Shah from Kandahar, Asadullah Timory from Herat, Zabihullah Ghazi from Jalalabad and Farooq Jan Mangal from Khost.

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