Ever wondered what happens to your poo when you go to the toilet on the plane? And no, it doesn't all get dumped into the sea.
Back in July this year, a man's garden in Windsor was allegedly rained on by human waste.
According to a local councillor, it “splattered” onto his shubbery.
Just before this poo-themed incident, locals in Portsmouth were “terrified” after witnessing “frozen poo” fall from the sky, reported by The Sun.
However, according to experts, the act of dumping human waste mid-air should be impossible for modern day aircrafts.
This is thanks to James Kemper, who designed the toilet technology was back in 1974.
The technology is still kitted out on Boeing aircraft today.
To accommodate all of the waste on board, the toilets have a vacuum at the bottom of the bowl.
This sucks the human excrement into a holding tank beneath, which is secured in the hatch.
However, this does not mean that the poo filled compartment can be opened mid-flight.
No one on the flight has access to the waste holding tank as it cannot be opened from the inside.
Therefore, only the ground workers have the lucky job of emptying the hatch as the plane lands and comes to a halt.
They do this by sucking out all of the waste from the flight into a separate tank that is positioned outside the plane.
Despite the ground workers best attempts of ridding the plane of poo, there may be a rare occasion where a malfunction occurs whilst the plane is mid-flight.
This can cause small icicles – that include droppings of poo – which fall to the ground during the descent of the flight.
The icicles are even dubbed as “blue ice” as the blue sanitising liquid is mixed with the waste inside.
Fear not though, these icicles should only be in the form of small droplets that should not cause any danger.
Since being developed in 1974, the poo vacuum has been used by Boeing since 1982.
Despite being in use for nearly 40 years, there have been no real issues with the technology so it has not been upgraded since.
Although there was a drenching of poo this summer in Portsmouth or Windsor, we do know that a forecast of human waste is not going to be a regular occurrence for us Brits.
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