Dolly Parton confesses pet dog saved her from ending her life

Dolly Parton was saved by her pet dog when she had sunk ­so low she thought about shooting herself.

The country music legend was alone in her bedroom with a gun ­in her hand when Boston terrier Popeye started clawing at the door.

She put the weapon down, let her besotted pet in and was “overwhelmed” by the fuss it made of her.

Dolly, 73, said: “I went through a really bad time and was feeling so low I thought about ending it all.

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“I was in my bedroom. In those days where I lived everyone kept a gun in case of burglars. There was one in a drawer by my bed. I opened the drawer and took it out.

“Just at that moment Popeye ran up the stairs and started clawing at my bedroom door. It was enough to stop me. I put the gun back, opened the door and he came in and made such a fuss, as if we had been apart for months. Everything changed from that moment thanks to Popeye and the Lord.”

Dolly told Dogs Monthly magazine the animals were “great to have fun with”.

She said: “They cheer you up when you are low and give you a great excuse for lots of exercise.”

And she was honoured when her pal Jennifer Aniston named her dog after her. The Friends star was ­worried in case Dolly was offended.

But she said: “No way. I am proud that she called her Dolly. I feel like ­I am Dolly’s favourite aunt.”

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