‘Blue Bloods’: How Will Estes and Vanessa Ray Discovered Jamie and Eddie Were Popular Among Fans

Blue Bloods fans love Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) and Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray) together. That’s part of the reason they were so upset they didn’t get to see the couple’s wedding ceremony. Here’s how Estes and Ray said they realized Jamie and Eddie were so popular among Blue Bloods fans.

This is when Vanessa Ray and Will Estes realized Jamie and Eddie were a big deal

In a recent interview, Ray told CBS Watch! she first realized Eddie and Jamie were popular with fans once the “Jamko” hashtag started appearing. “A hashtag legitimizes us forever!” she joked. Estes told the publication he realized Jamie and Eddie were a big deal among fans on more than one occasion:

I have these moments that stand out for me that are just as big as booking the job. One was watching Mom, and one of the characters said something like, “I’d love to come, but I can’t. It cuts into my Blue Bloods time.” I was like, ‘We made it!’ The other time was when I was in the crossword puzzle, which was the highlight of my dad’s life.

Will Estes was starstruck when he met this fan

Estes also shared a story about the time he met a famousfan. Ray said she was shocked after Estes told her the story. “I was losing mymind when he texted me,” said Ray. Here’s what Estes said about the fan meetingthat still leaves him in disbelief:

 The other day I was in a restaurant and this guy comes up to me and says, ‘I love that show you’re on. I’m Ron.’  I’m like, ‘I know who you are. You’re Ron Howard.’ I’m a huge fan of his work and of him as a person, and I got to meet him! It doesn’t stop blowing me away that someone like that has even seen the show. He was like, ‘Say hi to Donnie. We did Ransom together.’

Jamie and Eddie wouldn’t have gotten together if it weren’t for this

Jamie and Eddie might not have become a couple if it weren’tfor Blue Bloods fans. Ray and Estes told News Channel 5 that a majorinfluence on the progression of Jamie and Eddie’s relationship was the fans.“Is this something that the viewers made happen, as far as this engagement?”asked the News Channel 5 host in a 2018 interview. “Yes, I do think the fansdid sort of play a part in the getting together of Jamie an Eddie,” said Ray.“I think that they called it before we noticed it. We were just playingpartners and they saw the chemistry and were kind of after a while just like,‘Enough already, get together, you love each other.’ So, I think the writerskind of had to hold off as long as they could.”

Read more: ‘BlueBloods’: 1 Thing Donnie Wahlberg Does That Could Get Him Kicked Under theDinner Table

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