Darren spikes Charlie with anxiety medication in Hollyoaks after sad GCSE news

Darren Osborne (Ashley Taylor Dawson) took drastic action in a bid to help struggling Charlie Dean (Charlie Bethan) in Hollyoaks on Wednesday (August 23), spiking the teen with his anxiety medication.

Charlie, as viewers know, has been struggling with anxiety over the past few months following particularly traumatic number of events, including the death of his biological dad Justin and a near-brush with the law.

The school boy, however, was optimistic about the future ahead of his GCSE results, having applied to music college, but Wednesday’s visit to the eponymous village saw things take an upsetting turn.

After Shing Lin Leong (Izzie Yip) failed to show up to accompany him to the school, Charlie decided to enter the building and pick up his results without her, and was ultimately left heartbroken by his grades, telling Darren that he’d ‘failed everything’.

Storming past Good Morning Britain presenter Katy Rickitt, who was on hand to get all the latest scoop from the school on the momentous day, Charlie returned home, where he destroyed a cake baked for him by Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard).

His behaviour left Darren concerned, while Shing Lin stormed out of the house, as Tony cleaned up what was left of the cake.

After racking his brains over how best to help the struggling teen, Darren decided to offer Charlie one of his own anxiety tablets – despite Charlie not having been prescribed medication of any kind.

Charlie, however, declined the offer, which left Darren taken aback, which led to a shocking turn of events.

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Determined to help, Darren ignored any doubts he may have had and thus put a tablet in Charlie’s soup before invited him down stairs for the meal.

Will Charlie realise what Darren has done?

What’s more, will Darren come to regret his actions? Tony was quick to discourage Darren from following through with this plan, so will there be repercussions?

Hollyoaks continues Thursday August 24 at 7pm on E4 or stream the next episode from midnight on All4.

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