Man’s impressive 4st weight loss after switching to diet of curry and Snickers smoothies – The Sun

TIPPING the scales at 16 stone, Paulo Vaa knew something in his life desperately needed to change.

He'd been gorging on takeaways nearly every day and relying on unhealthy meal deals for lunch – as he refused to cook for himself.

And as the pounds kept creeping on, Paulo felt more and more miserable – and quit social media altogether to stop his friends seeing the reality of his weight gain.

Looking in the mirror one day at his bulging belly, Paulo decided it was time to make a dramatic lifestyle change.

The librarian, from New Zealand, signed up to F45's Eight Week Challenge in a spur of the moment and has since lost an incredible four stone.

The challenge involved regular sessions at one of F45's gyms in Vauxhall and they also provided him with a healthy meal plan to follow.

Paulo said: "I had started 2019 realising the point I had reached with my weight and my eating habits. I was unhappy and desperate for change.

"The body I saw was not the one I wanted – I was not happy with what I saw in the mirror and knew I needed a change.

"I knew I needed to activate something to get me out of where I had got to and push me towards where I wanted to be for myself.

"I knew how I liked to be motivated and F45 offered that to me, intense physical limit pushing, with a competition element.

"The F45 meal plans gave me also one of the greatest tools, I no longer needed to overthink what I should and shouldn’t eat…it became about the doing."

And luckily for Paulo, the flexible and simple nutrition plans meant he didn't have to give up his favourite foods including curries and smoothies made from Snickers bars.

He added: "I relied heavily on lunch time meal deals and takeaways, but since taking on the eight-week challenge, the detailed meal plans have taught me how to prepare healthy, home cooked meals.

"The beauty and success of F45 for me has been the meal plan.

I feel amazing. It’s kick-started my zest for life and I’m rearing to go for the next challenge that life throws my way

"I was a strict follower of meals and approved snacks which included lean protein and vegetables, the meals were easy to prepare and full of flavour.

"I still meal prep now. It’s the perfect way for me to keep eating clean and I enjoy many of the recipes in the F45 recipe library on the challenge website.

"I’m a huge fan of the coconut chicken curry, snickers smoothie, and scrambled eggs and halloumi breakfast."

Paulo is now happier than ever – and regularly showcases his new 12 stone physique and six pack on social media.

And he now has a newfound love of exercise and fitness – and still regularly goes to the gym.

He said: "F45 Vauxhall is still my go to gym.

"The workouts change regularly at F45, so there’s plenty of variety; with each session having a heavy focus on either resistance training or cardio training.

"Daily workouts are part of my routine as I live a healthier and more conscious life now.

"I feel amazing. I’ve even just signed up for the next 8-week challenge.

"It’s kick-started my zest for life and I’m rearing to go for the next challenge that life throws my way."

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