Neil deGrasse Tyson Mocks Frozen's Elsa Through Scientific Lens: 'She Has Horse-Sized Eyeballs'

Neil deGrasse Tyson is once again criticizing films from a scientific lens, this time setting his sights on the biggest animated film of all time, Disney’s Frozen 2.

On Sunday, the acclaimed astrophysicist tweeted, “Not that anybody asked, but if Elsa from “Frozen” has a Human-sized Head then she has Horse-sized Eyeballs — occupying 4x the normal volume within her cranium.”

The tweet was met with criticism with many pointing out that the film is simply an animated feature and does not need to be 100% accurate.

One user cracked a joke about the film having a talking snowman in it, while another jokingly tweeted, “Next you’re going to tell me that Daffy Duck can’t survive being crushed by an anvil.”

This isn’t the first time that the famed scientist has criticized the beloved Disney films that follow the wintry adventures of Anna and Elsa.

Earlier Sunday night he also tweeted about scientific inaccuracies in the first Frozen film, writing, “In “Frozen” (2013) the Ice Harvesters in the opening scene pulled cubes from the water that floated as they should, with about 10% above the surface and 90% below. Just as in Icebergs.”

He also tweeted in 2019 that Disney “got it right the first time” in reference to the design of the snowflake on the film’s poster, adding, “Water crystals have hexagonal “six-fold” symmetry. You still have a few months to fix your #Frozen2 Movie Poster, unless the sequel takes place in another universe, where water crystalizes to different laws of physics.”

Earlier this year Frozen 2 crossed the mark to become the highest-grossing animated film of all time with $1.33 billion worldwide.

The sequel beat out the former chart topper — the 2013 Oscar-winning original that generated $1.28 worldwide during its run. Coming in third is 2018’s The Incredible 2, also from Disney’s Pixar, with $1.24 billion worldwide.

Jon Favreau’s remake of The Lion King tops all films, including Frozen 2, with a worldwide tally of $1.65 billion in 2019 — but Disney considers it a live-action reboot, and not an animated film.

That gives Disney the top three spots on the list of highest-grossing animated movies, with the Frozen films falling under its Disney Animation Studios banner.

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