Level Up Your Work Space With Any Of These Standing Desks

Designing an office that makes sense for the space you’re working with and caters to the parameters in which you work best can be tricky. For example, some people feel quite comfortable sitting in a rolling chair for eight hours straight. Others can barely sit still for eight minutes. If you resonate with the latter, making a simple furniture swap, like trading in your sitting for a standing desk, could be the game changer you’re looking for.

Standing desks are super trendy right now and are taking corporate and at-home offices alike by storm. Granted, these savvy pieces of furniture have probably been around longer than they’ve been popular, but seeing as how making little but significant lifestyle changes in the name of good health has become more mainstream, we’re also seeing a shift in how people work, too. 

Standing desks allow you to live a more active lifestyle even if you’re locked into a 9-to-5 work schedule, and by doing so you’ll reap some awesome health benefits, like burning calories, lowering your blood sugar, reducing back pain and even boosting your energy levels (and therefore your productivity). So whether you’re redecorating your designated work space at home or need a change in the office, these are some of the best standing desks out there right now, and we highly suggest giving them a try. 

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1. Jarvis Standing Desk

There’s no denying Jarvis’s standing desk is beautiful: Its tabletop is made from sustainable bamboo grown without pesticides or fertilizers, and its finish is all-natural from the kiln. And while any desk could move up and down with the right mechanics, Jarvis’s standing desk can simultaneously lift and hold up to 350 pounds worth of monitors, CPU holders and accessories. 

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